


Cell produced = gamete (sperm and ova)

Each gamete is gentetically different

Diploid cell (has full set of chromosomes) divides into four halpoid cells (half the genetic material)

  • Interphase I
  • Prophase I
  • Metaphase I
  • Anaphase I
  • Teolophase I
  • Prophase II
  • Metaphase II
  • Anaphase II
  • Telophase II
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Interphase I


The resting phase

- DNA replication takes place

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Prophase I

Crossing over takes place

- Homologus pairs of chromosomes line up

- Duplicated chromosomes become entangled and swap/crossover

Allows for an exchange of genetic material

Provides genetic variations

Centrioles begin to move to opposite poles

Nuclear envelope begins to break down

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Metaphase I

Spindle fibres from centrioles attach to chromosomes/centromeres

They pull the chromosomes to the centre

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Anaphase I

Spindle fibres shorten

- The chromotids do not separate

- Chromosomes move to the poles

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Telophase I

Spindle fibres break down

Two diploid cells

Still no nuclear membrane

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Prophase II

DNA already replicated

Centiroles move to opposite poles

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Metaphase II

Spindle fibres attach to centromeres

Pull the chormosomes to the centre

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Anaphase II

Spindle fibres shorten

Pulls the chromotids apart

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Telophase II


Spindle fibres break down

Nuclear membrane forms in each new cell

4 halpoid daughter cells - half the number of chromosomes as parent cells

Not identical to parent cells

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