Medicine Through Time

Key points to remember

  • Created by: Chanelle
  • Created on: 03-05-11 10:40

Critical Events And Turning Points

c.3000 - writing developed in Egypt
c.400 - Cult of Asclepios was popular
c.420 - 350 - Hipprocatic Corpus
129AD - birth of Galen
476- Fall of rome
663- synod of whitby
980 - 1037 - Life of avicenna
1348- black death
1454- printing in europe
1660- founding of royal society
1665 - the great plague of london
1720 - inoculation of britian
1798 - first vaccination
1831- cholera in britain
1842 - chadwick report
1846/7 - ether and chloroform
1848 - first publie health act

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Critical Events And Turning Points

1854 - cholra linked to water pollution (snow)
1857 - germ theory (pasteur)
1875 - public health act
1890 - Anticeptic in general use
1895 - first x-rays
1896 - becquerel discovers radioacivity
1900 - blood groups discovered
1906 - liberal reforms
1928 - penicillin (flemming)
1939-45 - WW2
1951- First kidney transplant
1953 - structure of DNA identified
1950 (late) - the pill
1981- aids discovered 

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Important People

2600s bc- imhotep
500s bc - Pythagoras
460- 377bc - Hipocrates
384-322 bc - Aristotle
ad 129-199 - Galen
980- 1037 - Avicenna
1510 - 1590 - Pare
1514 - 1564 - Versailius
1578- 1657 - Harvey
1689- 1762 - Lady montagu
1749-1823 - Jenner
1822- 1895 - Pasteur
1820-1910 - nightiingale
1827- 1912 - Lister
1836-1917 - Garett Anderson 
1843-1910 - ****
1852-1908 - Becquerel
1867-1934 - Marie curie

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Important People

1879-1963 - Beverige
1881-1955- Flemming
1897-1960 - bevan
1916-2004- Crick
1928-present- Watson
1922-2001- Barnard

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