Medicine Through Time Key Individuals


Who was this?? (460 BC - 377 BC: Ancient Greek)

  • Known as the "The Father Of Modern Medicine"
  • Developed the Theory of the Four Humour
  • Supported the idea of excercising reguarly and eating a balanced diet
  • Developed the clinical method of observing and recording
  • Invented the Hippocratic Oath which is still used today by doctors, as a promise to do their best for their patients and not exploit them
  • Published a series of books called the Hippocratic Collection
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Who was this?? (129 AD - 200 AD: Roman)

  • Began as a doctor in a gladiator school, which developed his understanding of anatomy
  • Further developed Hippocrates theory of the four humours into theory of the opposites
  • Believed the human body was designed by a creator, so churches supported and promoted him
  • Proved through public dissection that the brain controlled, not the heart as it had previously been believed
  • However made mistakes due to dissecting animals rather than humans
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Who was this?? (1510 - 1590: Renaissance)

  • Renaissance surgeon (originally a barber surgeon)
  • Discovered by chance a cold solution to seal war wounds. This was made of egg whites, rose oil and turpentine, rather than cauterising the wound with boiling oil
  • His ointment prevented inflammation and infection of healing wounds
  • Invented ligatures 
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Who was this?? (1514 - 1564: Renaissance)

  • Renaissance doctor
  • Published a book called "The Fabric of the Human Body" with anatomical illustrations
  • Proved that the jaw consists of one bone, not two as previously thought by Galen
  • Stole bodies of hanged convicts
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Who was this?? (1578 - 1657: Renaissance)

  • Renaissance doctor
  • Proved that blood did not seep through the septum, as Galen had thought
  • Discovered and proved the circulatory system
  • Proved that valves controlled the blood flow in experiments using lizards
  • Published a paper "Anatomical Essay on the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals"
  • His ideas and discoveries meant people began questioning blood letting
  • Predicted capillaries, but couldn't be proven because there was no microscope yet
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Who was this?? (1749 - 1823)

  • Developed the first vaccination (this was for smallpox) using a weaker form of the disease - cowpox, from milkmaids - which was not life threatening
  • However he did not understand what caused the disease
  • He observed that milkmaids who caught cowpox never caught smallpox
  • Tested his idea on young James Phipps
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