Medicine Through Time - Answering Questions


Question 1a

1a) What does Source A suggest about _____________ in the (time period)? 
Explain your answer using Source A and your own knowledge. (4 marks)

This is a very easy question to get good marks on. We must simply state what is in the picture and add in our own knowedge of why it is that way.

The picture shows ___________. This is because people thought _________. They thought this because they were influenced by ________.


Source A (

Question 1a) What does Source A suggest about people's reactions to Public Health problems in the Middle Ages? 

This source shows people whipping themselves. This is because at this time, people thought illness or the Black Death was caused by God punishing people for their sins. As a result, people would punish themselves in an effort to relieve illness and to be saved by God. These people were called flagellants. People thought this because the Church greatly influenced medical education and the government. Public Health was virtually non-existant because people took treatment of disease into their own hands. 

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Question 1b

Question 1b) What different reaction to ___________ is shown by Source B?
Explain your answer using Source A, Source B and your own knowledge

This question is also very easy to get good marks in. All we have to do is 'spot the difference' using TAPP: Time, Author, Place, Purpose. We don't have to explain why these differences exist. 

So, we describe the detail in Source B, 'spot the difference' with Source A, and then infer what this means. 


Source B (

Question 1b) What different reaction to Public Health problems is suggested by Source B?

Clearly, in Source B, sewers are being built. They were built from brick with money provided from the government. This way of dealing with public health problems shows a practical solution as opposed to Source A's supernatural solution. In 1858 during a hot summer, the Thames which contained human excrement got very hot and smelt very bad. This affected parliament greatly, and so 'The Great Stink' was a turning point in the government's involvement in Public Health. Sewers were built to keep the smell away; people did not yet know about germs, so they still had miasmic theories. Source B demonstrates a solution using science & technology, whereas Source A shows a solution relying upon religion & superstition. In conclusion, in 1858, wealth and practical knowledge aided a response whereas in the 1300's, the Church was the only means of response. 

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