Medicine 1250-1500

  • Created by: B.Dave
  • Created on: 11-11-17 14:47

Supernatural Beliefs

Supernatural - Many believed disease was a punishment from God for their sins, so they thought praying and repentance would cure disease. Disease was also thought to be caused by supernatural beings like witches, demons and evil spirits, therefore many people were executed as witches and also excorisms were performed to remove spirits from people. 

Astrology - is the idea that the movements of the planets and stars could have effects on people and cause disease, it was developed in Arabic medicine and was brought to Europe between 1100-1300. Doctors owned an Almanac which included info about where planets/stars were and how this related to patient's illnesses.

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Rational Beliefs

The Four Humours Theory - This theory was created by Hippocrates and developed by Galen, it is the belief that the body was made up of Blood, Phlegm, Yellow Bile and Black Bile, which were linked to the 4 seasons and elements and needed to be in balance for good health. To treat an imbalance opposites were used or bloodletting or purging.

The Miasma Theory - This was the theory that bad air (miasma) caused disease when inhaled. The bad air may come from human waste, abattoirs or dead bodies. It originated in Ancient Greece and Rome and was incorporated by Galen into the Theory of the 4 Humours. It became very popular and lasted until the 1860s when it was replaced by the Germ Theory. It led people to believe that purifying the air would prevent disease and it made people do hygenic things like cleaning the streets which would have prevented diesase but not for the right reasons.

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People Who Treated Disease

Remedies - Remedies were bought from an apothecary, local wise woman or were made at home, these contained herbs, spices, animal parts and minerals. This was the most common form of treatment as they were the most accessible and affordable.

Barber-Surgeons - Surgery was very dangerous as there was no way to prevent blood loss, infection or pain so it was only attempted rarely and for minor procedures by barber-surgeons who had no medical training.

Physicians - Were Univerisity trained male doctors who read ancient texts, but had very liitle practical experience. As the church outlawed dissection and made sure the works of Galen were taught and seen as 100% correct.

Hospitals -Most ran by monastries, set up to care for the sick (not treat disease) and were very hygenic for the time e.g seperating dirty and clean water.

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Case Study- The Black Death

First arrived in 1348 and was made up of two illnesses;

  • The Bubonic Plague- Spread by flea bites and caused headaches, fever followed by swellings on the skin (buboes)
  • The Pneumonic Plague- Spread by coughing and sneezing. The disease attacked the lungs making it painful to breathe and causing blood to be coughed up.

No-one knew what caused it, so it wasn't efectively prevented or treated. Some people believed God caused it so they fasted, prayed or became flagellants. Others lit fires and carried herbs to purify the air.

Local Governments also tried to prevent the spread by shutting themselves off from the outside world, such as Gloucester, which suggests some thought it was spread through human contact. However this didn't work and many people in Gloucester died from the plague.

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Reasons for Lack of Change

The Church- Had a massive influence over everyones everyday lives therefore when the church said something, nobody questioned it. Also they had control over university education meaning doctors were forced to learn Ancient Works and couldn't experiment for themselves especially as dissection was outlawed by the church. Challenging the Church or Bible was seen as a sin worthy of Hell making people fear opposing the church

Cause- People didn't know what caused diseases so could never really develop any effective treatments and prevention.

Attitudes- People didn't want to change their ideas (mostly due to the Church and traditions) and new ideas couldn't spread because the printting press wasn't invented until the 1470s. People that did challenge like Roger Bacon was imprisoned for suggestin scientists should conduct their own research.

The Government- Never funded any research as church said medicine was already perfect, only ordered streets to be cleaned in London once the Black Death had been in England for a year.

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