Media Studies AS OCR

A list of different camera shots that are used within the media, such as closeup etc.


Camera shots 1

Mid-shot: - cuts out unwanted background/people

Closeup: A closeup of a person/object, does not have to be a human. eg., closeup of a gun- isolates what is important in the picture

Flashing arrow: Such as a gun, imagine Phil Mitchel at his desk, opens the drawer and reveals a gun.  If a person gets shot next episode, we will remember the gun

Extreme closeup: May focus on an individual feature of a persons body, such as in cowboy/western films- an extreme of closeup of the sweat trickling down the cowboy's brow.

Could also be used on a nature channel, extreme closeup of a bug... mating with another bug... eating another bug....

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Camera shots 2

Overshoulder: A shot taken over the shoulder- often used when two characters are having discussion. Sometimes used to make the audience biased towards a character. Perhaps in an argument, looking over the shoulder of the protagonist- makes them more relatable.

POV (subjective shot): Used when camera takes on view of a camera, camera almost becomes a character.  Eg, the Peepshow.

Eye level shot: Most tv programs are eyelevel-

 This is an important concept

The camera should be set at the eye level of the talent, not at height most comfortable for the camera operator

Eye level of person filming

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Camera shots 3

High angle – held high – looks down on to the talent

 Makes them appear smaller- weak etc

 Could show aggression and violence

Could be looking at little baby

Low angle, from low- looks up

 Within context - could suggest the talent is powerful

Cantered angle- held at an angle

The camera leans to one side to the viewerand the talent at an angle

Implies feeling sick or queezy- could be used to show talent is drunk

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Camera shots 4

Two shot – three

Two people talking to animals grazing

Sharing secrets whispering

Does not zoom in zoom out

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Lewis Prior


good, its ok, could have been better with examples of each shot more, but thanks

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