Measuring Crime & Offender Profiling.

Evaluations of measuring crime and offender profiling.


Official Statistics Evaluation.

  • Only measure reported and recorded crimes. 
  • This leaves a dark figure. 

Self-Report Studies

  • Unreliable answers - exaggeration etc.
  • Biased selection of offences.
  • Biased selection of interviews - e.g. leave out dangerous offenders.

Victim Surveys

  • Collects information about fear and attitudes to crime. 
  • Some types of crime excluded from surveys e.g. corporate crime.
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Offender Profiling Evaluations.


  • Interviews to establish different types - small sample - 36.
  • Found that most offenders are organised - not enough evidence for disorganised for it to be called a type. 
  • Lacks scientific evidence - more of an art than a science.
  • Worked for Arthur Shawcross - returned to victims etc.
  • Applied to all sexually motivated crimes.


  • Based on psychological theory - more science than typology.
  • Useful for all types of crimes.
  • Worked in the case of Peter Sutcliffe.
  • Location of crime not enough on its own - behaviour also needs to be understood.
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