Matters of Life and Death


Why do Catholics believe in life after death?

  • Jesus rose from the dead.
  • Church teaches that there is a heaven and if you are a good person you will go there.
  • Catholics believe in Immortality of the Soul (Descartes), meaning once their body dies their soul lives on.
  • Several Bible teachings involve Jesus resurrecting people such as Lazarus.
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How does a life after death affect a person's life

  • Catholics go to Mass as it shows a love for God.
  • They also follow Church teaching's such as Love Thy Neighbour.
  • Catholics go to reconciliation to ask for forgiveness of sins.
  • Catholics help charities as Jesus asked in the parable of the sheep and goats 'were you charitable?'
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Non-religous reasons for life after death

  • Near-death experiences - people believe they have died and seen the afterlife.
  • Ghosts - people believe they have seen them and they are dead yet alive.
  • Reincarnation - people believe they have lived before.
  • Mediums - people believe they have spoken to the dead.
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Why people don't belive in life after death?

  • There is no evidence - science would have found it by now. We are just biological matter once we die we stay dead.
  • Religion is man-made and life after death is part of religion therefore life after death is 'man-made' therefore it does not exist because this is not possible.
  • If it exists we would have found it, we found planets such as Mars.
  • If you don't believe in God, you don't believe he has a home (heaven).
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Uk Laws on Abortion

  • Legal upto the 24th week.
  • Nevertheless if the woman's life is in danger or there are foetal abnormalities, there is no time limit.
  • Two doctors must give consent stating that there is a risk to the baby.
  • Or that the mental health of the mother might be threatened, or her existing children.
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Christian Views on Abortion

The Catholic View - 

No -

  • Old Testament says 'thou shalt not kill'.
  • Old Testament says 'we are all made in the image and likeness of God' this means we should not kill anything as we are all perfect.
  • CCC - 'All life is special and a gift from God'. 

Yes -

  • The double doctrine of effect states that it is acceptable if the woman is undergoing chemotherapy, which would save her life.

Church of England View - 

Yes -

  • It is the lesser of two evils.
  • Right to choose - free will.
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UK law - Euthanasia

  • All methods of euthanasia are illegal in the UK.
  • All euthanasia in the eyes of the law can be classed as murder.
  • 'Passive' euthanasia (withdrawal of treatment) in the UK is allowed.
  • Withdrawal of treatment is not seen as murder by UK law.
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Christian Arguments for Euthanasia

  • Quality of life is bad.
  • The person is in pain, so euthanasia is agape.
  • Euthanasia is a death in dignity, respectful.
  • The person may think that they are a burden on others.
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Catholic arguments against Euthanasia

  • View it as playing God.
  • 'Thou shalt not kill'
  • Human right to life, don't disregard that.
  • We are made in the image and likeness of God, therefore we should not disrespect God by killing his creation.
  • Not part of God's plan.
  • The Sanctity of Life states life belongs to God therefore only he should decide when to end it.
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Should the media be free to criticise religion


  • Media distort religous views to sell papers. 
  • Don't fully explain religous views.
  • Media is often biaseed against religion.
  • Media uses soundbites and headlines that don't go into enough detail.


  • Free country, media can say what it likes.
  • Media encourages debates on important issues that are important to address.
  • Media informs and helps people to make up their own minds on issues.
  • Media can criticise religions, and religions are able to respond.
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Causes of Poverty

  • Wars.
  • Natural Disasters.
  • Lack of Education.
  • Debt.
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Why Catholics should support CAFOD?

  • Helps you use your money for good.
  • 'Love your neighbour' - act on duty.
  • To support CAFOD helps us gain salvation.
  • Parable of the sheep and goats.
  • Golden Rule.
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What does CAFOD do?

  • Long-term aid - Build hospitals.
  • Short-term aid - Drop in food parcels.
  • Education - Campaigns in schools to raise awareness.
  • Politics - Protests against unfair trade.
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Key Words

  • Abortion - the removal of a fetus from the womb before it can survive.
  • Assisted Suicide - providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide.
  • Euthanasia - the painless killing of someone dying of a painful disease.
  • Immortality of the Soul - the idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body.
  • Near-death Experiences - when someone about to die has an out-of-body experience.
  • Non-voluntary Euthanasia - ending someone's life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have a good reason for thinking they would want you to do so.
  • Paranormal - unexplained things which are thought to have spiritual causes, for example, ghosts and mediums.
  • Quality of Life -  the idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living.
  • Reincarnation - the belief those, after death, souls are reborn in a new body.
  • Resurrection -  the belief that, after death, the bidy stays in the grave until the end of the world, when it is rasied.
  • Sanctity of Life - the belief that life is holy and belongs to God.
  • Voluntary Euthanasia - ending lfe painlessly when someone in great pain asks for death.
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Media - Million Dollar Baby

  • Priest is an average man.
  • Priest discusses how it will impact Frankie as a person, not stating he will go to hell.
  • Priest explains the catholic teaching in a fair way, stating it is God's will. 
  • The Priest does not judge Frankie.
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