

Properties of Triangles

The angles in a triangle add up to 180.

The properties of different kinds of triangles are listed below.

Equilateral triangle...

All sides are of equal length.

All angles are equal (60)

Equilateral triangle diagram ( 

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Properties of Triangles

Isosceles Triangle...

Two sides are of equal length.

Two angle are equal (Called the base angles)

Isosceles triangle diagram (

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Properties of Triangles

Scalene Triangle...

The three sides are all different lengths.

None of the angles are equal.

Scalene triangle diagram (

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Properties of Triangles

Multiple Triangles:

Right angled triangle...

  • Contains a right angle (90)
  • Can be either isosceles or scalene

Right angled triangle (

Acute angled triangle...

  • All three angles are acute.
  • Can be equilateral, isosceles or scalene.

Acute angled triangle (

Obtuse angled triangle ...

  • Contains an obtuse angle.
  • Can be either isosceles or scalene.

Obtuse angled triangle (

"Within all triangles, the longest side is opposite the largest angle, and the shortest side is opposite the smaller angle. If 2, or 3, angles are the same size, then the sides opposite are of equal length".

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Properties of Quadrilaterals

The angles in a quadrilateral add up to 360.

The properties of different kinds of quadrilateral are listed below.


  • A square is only regular quadrilateral.
  • All angles are equal (90)
  • All sides are of equal length.
  • Opposite sides are parallel.
  • The diagonals are equal in length.

Diagram of a square (


  • With a rhombus, all sides are of equal length.
  • Opposite sides are parallel.
  • Diagonally oppsite angles are equal.
  • The diagnosis bisect each other at 90.

Diagram of a rhombus (

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Properities of Quadrilaterals


  • With a rectangle, all angles are equal (90)
  • Opposite sides are of equal length.
  • The diagonals are equal in length.
  • Opposite sides are parallel.
  • The diagonals bisect each other.

Diagram of a rectangle (


  • With a parallelogram, diagonally oppsite angles are equal.
  • Opposite sides are of equal length.
  • Opposite sides are parallel.
  • The diagonals bisect each other.

Diagram of a parallelogram (

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Properties of Quadrilaterals


with a trapezium, one pair of opposite sides is parallel

Diagram of a trapezium (


with a kite, two pairs of sides are of equal length

one pair of diagonally opposite angles is equal

only one diagonal is bisected by the other

the diagonals cross at Equation: {90}^circ (

Diagram of a kite (

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3D Solid shapes

3D solid shapes

Here are some common solid shapes.

Diagrams of 3D solid shapes ( of 3D solid shapes (

Prisms and pyramids

A prism is a 3D shape which has a constant cross section - both ends of the solid are the same shape and anywhere you cut parallel to these ends will give you the same shape.

For example, in the prism below, the cross section is a hexagon.

This is called a hexagonal prism.

Hexagonal prism ( Hexagonal cross section (

A pyramid has sloping faces that meet at a vertex.

Square pyramid (

Square-based pyramid

Triangle pyramid (


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MathsWatchVideo64...Real life money problems

The Exchange rate is £1 = $1.67

How many $ would you get for £150

150x1.67 = $250.50

How many £ would get for $120

120 / 1.67 = £71.86

The exchange rate is £1 = $1.18

How many $ would you get for 250

(Questions i tried)

250x1.18 = 295


How many £ would you get for $85

85 / 1.18 = 72.03389831

= £72.03

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