Masculinity- sociology


  • Created by: Beth
  • Created on: 17-06-11 14:12

Types of masculinity

  • Hegemonic masculinity- this is the streotypical 'lad'- they have a dominant masculinity
  • Subordinate masculinity- this is the complete oposite to hegemonic masculinty and goes against the dominant masculinity
  • complicit masculinity- also known as the new man- they have some aspects of a hegemonic masculinty but are also not afraid to look after the children or do the housework
  • marginalised masculnity- describes how some examples are not rejected outright but are not seen as legitimate
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David Gilmore- cultural concepts of masculinity

  • adapts a functionalist approach, but doesn't see masculinity as an inevitable feature of all societies
  • he discusses how masculinity is defined
  • he belives that masculinity is not entirely biology
  • agrees with the feminist view that it is biological sex and cultural norms that make up a persons masculinity
  • Gilmore identifies 3 main typical features of masculinity, found in most societies. these are; Man the impregnator, man the provider, and man the protector. 
  • all of these characteristics have something in common- they are all either dangerous or competitive and failure carries a high cost
  • Gilmore does, however say that in some societies, masculinity has a different meaning. 
  • although his ideas have been criticised, they successfully show the importance of culture in influencing ideologies of masculinity.
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Victor Seidler- rationality and masculinity

  • focuses on men in Western societies
  • masculinity in western societies is linked to the thinking and beliefs associated with enlightenment
  • this then emphasised reason and objective science, and rejected emotion
  • science became dominated by men because they were seen as the only sex that was capable of rational thinking
  • emotions then became less valued then reason and women often feel that only they have emotional needs and demands
  • men's association with reason then contributed and maintained a male patriarchal power at every level
  • men tell women to calm down and that they are irrational and then see themselves as the neutral voice of reason
  • This is not based on a detailed empirical approach and is instead based on abstract. 
  • it reflects a subjective white, middle-class Jewish masculinity
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Bob Connell- masculinities

  • looked at how masculinity is changing and at the variety of meanings masculinity can have
  • he rejects biological determinism, cultural determinism and those that see gender as a result of a combination of biology and culture and believes that the body is an active agent in social relationships biology and culture and fused
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