Martin, Hewstone & Martin (2007) - Euthanasia

  • Created by: KarenL78
  • Created on: 09-07-17 21:11



  • To see if opinions given by minority or majority group influence are more resistant to conflicting opinions.


  • 48 British university students who had initial attitude of being supportive of voluntary euthanasia recieved two messages.
  • Message 1 (pro-attitudinal message): gave 6 arguments AGAINST voluntary euthanasia and was supported by either minority or majority group influence.
  • Message 2 (counter-attitudinal message): conflicted with Message 1 by giving 6 arguments FOR voluntary euthanasia.
  • Attitudes were measured after the presentation of both messages.


  • Attitudes following minority support for the pro-attitudinal message were more resistant to change following the counter-attitudinal message, then if the pro-attitudinal message had been given majority support.
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  • Minority influence creates systematic processing (consideration) of its viewpoints, leading to attitudes that are resistant to counter-persuasion.
  • Findings support Moscovici's belief that the opinions of the minorities are subjected to a higher level of processing than those of majorities.


  • Results consistent with view that both majorities and minorities can lead to different process and consequences under different situations.
  • Minority influences have a much greater influence that was originally thought.
  • The results support the idea that minority influence can lead to social change, as systematic processing will cause changes in beliefs systems leading to fundamental changes in people's viewpoints and behaviour.
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Burgoon (1995) argued that it's the deviant and unexpected behaviours of minorities that are alerting and arousing and which lead to a deeper level analysis of the behaviour and ideas being presented.  Suggests it's the violation of social norms by minorities which leads to systematic processing and, ultimately, social change.

Nemeth (2009) reported that it is the dissent of minorities to established social norms that opens individuals minds to search for information, consider other options and ultimately become more creative and make better decisions.  Illustrates how it is the resistance of minorities to conform to and obey social norms that acts as a catalyst for social change.


  • Minority influence and innovative change has had a big impact in the world of business and industry where it's been realised that conformity and obedience within hierarchical social groups, decrease the changes of beneficial change occuring.
  • Companies that place YES MEN into work teams, who quietly conform to usual practices and obey without question the directives of managers, will not experience any healthy dissent leading to meaningful analysis of work practices and ultimately beneficial innovation.
  • Successful companies introduce minorities of genuine dissenters into teams to create an atmosphere of innovative social change.
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