Mark scheme top down

  • Created by: @laura
  • Created on: 04-03-17 11:11

How to understand the left hand of the mark scheme

Apply linguistic methods and terminology - you should apply a range of features, NOT just top band features e.g. clauses, include sentences and word classes, discourse

Identity patterns and complexities - basically find patterns between clauses, sentence etc but say why they have been used, does it link to primary secondary purpose?

Apply different levels of language analysis in a integrated way - don't just find a quote and explain one element of it, layer it, for example:

this quote has used a verb to create the meaning.. however it also uses ellipsis 'he trudged away.. not looking back' and this could suggest 

recognising how they are connected for example, 

both these techniques show sadness in the passage

guide the reader - make sure you write so that you cover all elements of language, discourse, lexis etc and link them to why it is used, representations of the people, places in the text or meanings to meet an audience/purpose x

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