

"your children shall be kings" - his ambition for power is already taking 

"let not light see my dark anf deep desires" - ambition is his downfall

"partner of greatness" - they both are overcome with ambition for power

"vaulting ambition"

"be so much more the man"

"to be thus is nothing but to be safely thus" - ambitions have changed 

"the very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand"

"i must fight the course"

"the prince of cumberland (Malcolm)  is a step on which i must fall down or overleap"

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"fair is foul and foul is fair" - pallindrome abd emphatic couplets 

"brave Macbeth... unseamed him"

"lesser than Macbeth and greater" "not so happy yet much happier" - pallindrome (mirrorining of language)

"cannot be ill, cannot be good" - questioning good and evil 

"let not light see my black and deep desires" - foreboding

"look like the innocent flower but the the serpent under it" - fair is foul... link (the witches) 

"there's daggers in men's smiles" - metaphor (links to Macbeth's hallucination and flower and serpent), juxtaposition of good and bad (oxymoronic)

"make our faces vizards to our hearts, disguising what they are"     

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"fair is foul and foul is fair"

"brave macbeth", "Devilish Macbeth", "tyrant"

"cannot be ill, cannot be good"

"let not light see my black and deep desires"

"too full of the milk of human kindness"

"direst cruelty", "dunnest smoke of hell"

"look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it"

"the death of each day's life"

"theres daggers in men's smiles"

"to do harm is often laudable", "to do good sometime accounted dangerous folly"

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"brave", "noble", "tyrant", "black"

"never shook his hand, nor bade farewell", "unseamed him"

"(malcolm) is a step on which i must fall down or over leap"

"being unprepared", "i think not of them" - apperance vs. reality 

"the death of each day's life" - he is feeling guilt at this point 

"all is but toys" - metaphor for manipulation 

"to be thus is nothing but to be safely thus"

"full of scorpions is my mind", "forgotten the taste of fears"

"blood will have blood", "i am in blood stepped so far that i should wade no more"

"i have done the deed" - anaphora of deed, personal pronoun (ownership, euphamistic language, plosive phonemes, alliteration, monosyllabic

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(thinks macbeth is" "too full of the milk of human kindness"

"my dearest partner of greatness"

"unsex me", "direst cruelty", "milk for gall", "dunnest smoke of hell"

"be so much mroe the man"

"hath made me bold"

"a little water clears us of this deed" - ironic

"beware mcduff"

"to do harm is often laudable"

"what's done cannot be undone"

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"those that Macbeth hath slain"

"his (macduff's) flight was madness"

"untitled tyrant bloody-sceptered" - about macbeth 

"i must feel it as a man"

"was from his mother's womb untimely ripped"

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