macbeth plot

  • Created by: jessicate
  • Created on: 21-05-18 20:12

act I

  • macbeth is named thane by duncan for defeating rebel forces in battle
  • witches prophecy inspires macbeth to be thane and king of scottland
  • macbeth is told he has become thane of cawdor and reveals his hopes ofr king as he thinks that the prophecy has come true
  • LM calls on evil spirits to help her kill duncan after she has heard of the prophecy and becomes ambitious
  • duncan arrives at macbeth's castle where he is welcomed.
  • when macbeth gets home LM wants to plan the murder
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act II: murder most foul

  • macbeth sees a hallucination of a dagger as he is burried by guilt over the murder he about to commit
  • M murders duncan but LM critisizes him after as he is distressed. she helps to cover up the murder then they go to bed to protend innocence
  • macduff finds that duncan has been murdered and sounds the alarm
  • macbeth slays duncan's guards to cover the crime but says he did it in fury as they murdered duncan
  • duncan's sons malcolm and donalbain run in fear of their lives
  • macbeth gets the throne but macduff will not go to the celebrations
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act III: brutality and betrayal

  • banquo suspects macbeth and then is murdered under orders of macbeth but his son escapes
  • banquo's ghost appears at the banquet and macbeth is horrified signalling his guilt to the other guests.
  • macbeth is now acting indipentandtly of his wife and decides to go and see the witches
  • the witches prepare to meet him
  • macduff flees to the english court and leaves his wife and children ebhind at his castle
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act IV: revenge

  • the witches say that he should be weary if macduff but that no man born of woman could ever harm him. they say that he wpnt be beaten until birnan wood moves to dunsinane 
  • once he's left the witches he orders the deaths of macduff's wife and children
  • in england malcolm tests the loyalty of macduff who recently arrived from scotland
  • macduff hears that his family has been murdered by macbeths orders
  • malcolm says that england will provide and army under seyward to defeat macbeth. macduff vows to personally kill macbeth.
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act V: downfall of the macbeths

  • the english army use branches to camoflauge themselves from birnam wood. macbeth fortifies his castle for a long seige
  • macbeths hears that his wife has died by suicide - he doesnt really care though as he feels his life has no meaning anymore
  • he is enraged when a messanger tells him that birnam wood is coming to dunsinane
  • he abandons his seige plan and goes out to fight; although his army is losing nobody seems able to kill macbeth themsleves. he meets macduff who was 'ripped from him mothers womb' and so was not actually 'born of woman'. he kills macbeth is a single combat
  • macduff ahils malcolm as king of scotland and malcolm invites all to attend his coronation at scone. 
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