love and relationships

  • Created by: kira mx
  • Created on: 19-03-18 19:26


The structure of the poem is regular in rhythm and rhyme and highly controlled. It signifies a sense of deep reflection about the day andd the relationship, as though the poet has consideredd it very carefully. Although the poem moves between tiem frames (past, present and future) the repition of "silence and tears" at both the beginning and end creates a circular strucutre. This shows that poet is unable to move forward and is stuck with his despair.

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when we two parted

The poem uses a semantic field of death. The poem is riddled with references to death and loss.

1) "PALE"

2) "SEVER"



The death of the relationship is also a "death" of his happiness, emotion and future. He is mouring the loss of his love.

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The peom uses language to forshadow the inevitable end of the relationship. Part of the poet's bitterness comes from the signs that surrounded him that the realtionship was doomed.





There is anger that he gave so much love and yet he was ultimataley regetcted.

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Singh Song is the story of a recently married Idian shopkeeper, who would rather spend all hhis time with his new wif, than honouring his father, running the family business. It is ritten in the persona of the Mr Singh, the shopkeeper and has a joyous, uplifting and romantic tone, despite the conflict that being newly married has created.

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The poem is irregular in terms of stanzas and uses a number of differnet stanza forms. These play with various convections of poetry such *** nursery rhymes, rhyming couplets and song lyrics. The poem uses both rhyme and half rhymes and has a lyrical, melodius quality. The repitition of the chorus creates both the song like quality, b ut also emphasises the repetitiveness of the work that he does,, the conflict he feels between work, family and love

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Despite the conflict in the relationship, the speaker loves hiswife. He is indiffernet to the complaints of the customers and focusedd only on being with his wife. The description he gives of her is domineering woman


Who dresses in a masculine, aggressive way. She is also a cunnig and shewd business woman. He loves her and is blind to how she may appears to otthers. Finally, he refers, in an almost joking way to her interactions with his mother and father, giving no commentt or critissm. Singh is dealing with conflict on a number of levels- family, work and culture.

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The poem has both a regular structure and regular rhyme scheme. This indicates a highly reflectice and considered line of thought. The two stanzas follow a similar pattern which begins with multiple examples to persuade the young lady, finishing with retorical question. The rhyme scheme mixes masculine rhymr (single final syllable rhyme) with feminine rhyme (two syllable rhyme), further enchancing his "philosphy" that masculine and feminine should mix and mingle. The poem is written in simple language, typical of the roamantic poets. This simplivity echoes the simplicity and purity Shelley is alluding to with his passionate intentions and desire.. Finally, Shelly's use of punctuation throughout the poem is also signifiicant. Each stanza represnts represents a single long sentence punctuated with colons and semi colons. This structure in an almost child-liek way.Shelleys persistance in the quest for his love.

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The poem is a n romantic plea to persuade a young lady to succumb to physical desire and kiss the man . It is told from the viewpoint of the male and addresses the lady direcly. It has ligthand joyous passionate tone

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The poem uses a strong semantic field of nature.

This is the central conceit of the poem. The arugment that in the same way nautral elements mix, huamans are designed to behave in a similar way. Nature is also a typical Romantic motif, with Shelley focusing the lady's attention on the mostbeautiful natural elements to appeal to her. Nature is personified, creating a sharp parallel between the purity of the natural world and the puritty of their love.. Likewise, her restraint and rejection is seen as unnatural and unforgivable.

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The religious imagery is powerful.

This reinfoces the sense that her submission to him is morally right and virtous. Shelly's position as an Athiest enables us to interpret this as something sloghtly more manipulaative and unscrupulous. It seems ironic and that, as a passianate lover, he would be prepared to say anything in his quest for a kiss.

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Walking away is a lyric poem in four fairly regular stanzas in terms of rhyme and metre. This control suggests a deeply reflective poem, confirmed by the opening line that the focus is an 18 yr old memory. The caesura in the poem adds to the slow reflective pace. Whereas the enjambment mimics the movement of the son away from his father.

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Although the poem is about the son walking away, its firmly focused on the feeling of the poet. The poem addresses the son directly, but there is repetition of "I" throughout, illustating the central feeling of anxiety in the poem. This is clearly shown in stanza 2 with the line


It is as if this is more about what is being done to the poet, than about the feeling of the son.

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Much of the imagery suggests innonce and vulneraly, juxtaposed with pain. The son is oblivious to the pain caused by "WALKING AWAY" words such as





Emphasises pain and suffering. Part of this is caused by the vulnerablity the poet recognises in him, as "BEHIND A SCATTER OF BOYS" "FALF FLEDGED THING" the unsteady "GAIT" the "HESISTANT FIGURE"

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The poet uses a semantic field of fight and freedom. The satellite drifting the falf fledged thing, the winged seed, all suggests movement and distance. Apprehension over this freedom is shown through accompanying words such as



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Neutral tones is a poem about a painful memory, close to the end of a relationship. It is told from the viewpoint of the poet and has a bitter and resentful tone

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The poem is structured in 4 regular quatrains. This suggests highly reflective controlled thought, as if he hhas been replaying the memory many times over. The poem has a circular strucute, ending wjere it began, beside the pond. This reveals Hardy's inability to move forward from this memory as the pain is still too raw.

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The poem uses a semantic field of deathand lifelessness. Imagery suggesting death appears throughout the poem- the ground is stravinng, the leaves are grey and have fallen from the trees, the smile is dead ect.

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The poem uses a series of opposites to present the relationship. The poem is full of juxposition of oxymoron. Where there should be love, there is coldness, where there should be intimacy between them, there is "WANDERING", Where there should be warmth and genuine emotion, there is a forced grin, deception and frustration.

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The poem focuses on a couple experiencing conflict and difficulty in thier relationship. Its told from the viewpoint of the couple, most likely the man. It begins with a tense mood. This changes to a reflective and tranquil atmosphere, after the couple observe the actions of a pair of swans. The swans metaphorically mirror the couple.

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The couple are only temporarily troubled. Unlike some of the other relationships in the anthology, the couple in winter swan still love each other. They are frustrated and experincing disharmony, but still consider themselves unified. (~we, us, our). Essesntially, like the swans they have strong foundations and the strom will pass




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The poem is the story of a young woman taken as a bride for a Farmer and her unhappiness that follows. Its told from the viewpoint of the Farmer and the young bride remains voiceless throughout. It has an unnerving tone.

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The structure of the poem is irregular in stanza length but there is a strong rhyme scheme, though this too, does not have a clear pattern. The irregularity of the stanzas suggests that something is not right about the relationship between the farmer and his bride, that there is a sense of imbalance. It  also highlights the farmers inability to control his thoughts as the structure becomes increasingly irregular towards the end. 

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The poem clearly exposes relationships between men and women. The girl is voicless and powerless and nameless- simply a possession of the Farmer. Their home is a microcosm of the role of women in society at the time. The girl has freedom taken away from her, completes mundane tasks and is expected to bbear children. The men, by contrast, are active, and in control.

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The poem could also be a comment on the treatment of those who are emotionally vulnerable and unstable in society. The girl was happy before the relationship but the marriage causes a deep trauma as shee becomes withdrwan and isolated. It is clear her behaviour is seen as odd, due to the references to others, the villagers.

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Great revision source, thank you so much!!

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