Lord of the Flies (Chapter summaries)


Chapters 1 to 3

  • A group of schoolboys are stranded on an island after a plane crash. There are no adults.
  • They have a meeting and Ralph is elected chief, but Jack also wanted the job.
  • Ralph, Jack and Simon explore. Jack nearly kills a piglet, but he hesitates and it escapes.
  • The younger boys ('littluns') are afraid of a beast that one of them thinks he saw at night.
  • Ralph uses Piggy's glasses to light a fire to signal ships, The boys are excited by the fire at first, but it gets out of control and a littlun is killed.
  • Ralph spends all his time building shelters with Simon - he gets angry that all Jack and the other older boys do is hunt. Ralph and Jack argue, then make up. Simon goes off into the forest to be by himself.
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Chapters 4 to 6

  • Ralph, Simon and Piggy see a ship, but Jack has taken all the boys hunting and let the signal fire go out, The ship disappears without noticing them.
  • The hunters come back chanting, with a pig that Jack has killed.
  • Ralph and Jack argue about the fire. Jack hits Piggy, breaking his glasses.
  • They act out the hunt - Maurice pretends to be the pig while they dance and chant.
  • The boys hold a meeting to discuss their fears.
  • A dead airman lands on the island. Sam and Eric see the body in  the dark and panic. They tells the others they've seen the beast.
  • The boys hunt the beast, and find Castle Rock.
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Chapters 7 to 9

  • Ralph injures a pig while running. The boys re-enact the hunt and Robert is slightly hurt.
  • Ralph, Roger and Jack climb the mountain in the dark and see the dead airman. They think it's the beast.
  • Jack tries to get elected as chief but fails. He forms his own tribe and boys gradually join him, until only Ralph, Piggy, Sam, Eric and the littluns are left.
  • Jack's tribe viciously kills a pig. They put its head on a stick as a gift for the beast.
  • Simon finds the pig's head covered in flies - the Lord of the Flies. He thinks it's talking to him. He finds the dead airman and goes back to tell the others what the beast really is.
  • Ralph and Piggy go to Jack's feast and join in the tribe's hunting dance. Simon stumbles into the middle of the dance. The tribe thinks that he's the beast and kills him.
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Chapters 10 to 12

  • Jack's tribe attack Ralph's group and steal Piggy's glasses so they can light a fire.
  • Ralph's group tries to get Piggy's glasses back but Sam and Eric are captured. Roger levers a rock off the cliff, which kills Piggy.
  • The tribe begins to hunt Ralph and he runs into the forest to hide. He finds the Lord of the Flies and destroys it.
  • Jack's tribe rolls and boulders at the thicket Ralph's hiding in, then lights a fire to smoke him out.
  • Ralph runs away and the tribe chases him. He runs into a naval officer whose ship saw the smoke from Jack's fire. The boys start crying.
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