Lord of the flies - Chapter 7 quotes


Chapter 7 quotes - shadows and tall trees

At the beginning of this chapter Ralph talks to Simon - and it seems as tho Simon knows he'll die and Ralph will live - "you'll get back alright" "you'll get back to where you came from" - he doesn't say 'we'. 

Ralph attempts to join in with the boar hunt but it isn't natural to him - "They went more slowly than Ralph had bargained for" 

"someone's go to go across the island and tell Piggy we'll be back after dark" Ralph is trying to care for Piggy - contrasted with the beginning of the book when he ignores Piggy

"in a queer tight voice, we mustn't let anything happen to Piggy, must we?" - Jack is challenging Ralph's leadership again

Talking about the beast - it compares the concepts of beast and human

  • "great ape" "the creature" "the ruin of a face" 
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