LLW - Employability: Globalisation

  • Created by: Erin W
  • Created on: 07-05-17 12:59


  • "Globalisation is the process by which the world is becoming increasinglyinterconnected as a result of massively increased trade and cultural exchange." (BBC Bitesize)
  • Describes how businesses and cutures are linked through trade and working together.
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Advantages of Globalisation

  • Introduction of new industries - sharing of expertise
  • Creates jobs in poorer countries
  • Promotion of fair trade practices
  • Access to many different markets and cultures - greater variety of products and services.
  • Political benefits - builds realationships with other countries
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Disadvantages of Globalisation

  • Loss of jobs - cheap labour in other countries causes loss of local jobs.
  • People may take advantage of workers in poorer countries - possible child labour.
  • Carbon emmision for transporting goods from far away countries - bad for the environment.
  • Multi-national companies don't always employ fair trade practices.
  • Possible language barriers - could lead to trouble with communication.
  • There will be an impact from exchange rates and foreign economies - could raise the price of goods and services.
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Imports and Exports


  • When one country buys from another - e.g. UK Tesco buys fruit from Spain.


  • When one country sells something to another - e.g. Spanish farmer sells fruit to Tesco in UK.
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The 'Town Twinning Project' pairs towns across the world to help develop opportunities for trade, investment, and sharing cultural experiences - encourages positive globalisation.

Belfast is 'twinned' with:

  • Belfast, Maine USA
  • Bonn, Germany
  • Hefei, Chinsa
  • Nashville, Tennessee USA
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Businesses Moving Abroad


  • Cheaper worforce in poorer countries
  • Cheaper utilities - gas, electricity, and oil
  • To improve life in pooer countries
  • There may be expertise in a particular country

Effects on Global Market:

  • Businesses moving to other countries has resulted in local job losses
  • The local workforce of a specialist company may have trouble finding another job
  • Local workers may have to spend years retraining - negative impact of economy
  • The job market will be full of skilled local workers but no jobs for them
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Types of Industry

  • Primary Sector - extracting raw materials from the land e.g. farming / fishing
  • Secondary Sector - manufacturing products e.g. factory workers
  • Tertiary Sector - providing a service or selling a final product e.g. haidresser or shop keeper

Recently there have been changes in employment patterns in Northern Ireland:

  • Most people now work in the tertiary sector - reduction in primary
  • Changes in technology have also meant that most industries now rely on computer technology
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Lifestyle Impacts on Work Practices


  • When two people share the same job
  • One employee works for two days, the other works for the remaining three days
  • The employer will have to advertise post, interview twice, and pay for two peoples' training


  • Tele-working is when people work from home
  • They can stay in contact with customers and colleagues through telehone or computer
  • Reduces the need for office space as the employee uses their own home
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Emigration vs. Migration vs. Immigration


  • When one person leaves a country or region to settle in another contry or region - leaving and then arriving somewhere else


  • When people come to a new country - arriving


  • When people move away from their country for work or better standard of living - leaving
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Why Leave and Come to N.I.?

Why Leave?

  • To find work
  • For better pay or better working conditions
  • Better standard of Living
  • Avoid war / pesecution 
  • Medical treatment

Why Come to N.I.?

  • NHS - free healthcare is rare and attractive to migrant workers
  • Education system - quality of free education is very high
  • Good employment opportunities e.g. for doctors
  • Safety - the end of the 'Troubles' would be very appealling to those fleeing war
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