limitations to using the strange situation in cross cultural research

studyies that show why the strange situation isn't useful to use in cross cultural research


Rothaum- imposed etic

  • imposing one cultures ideas of a secure attachment on other cultures
  • can lead to wrong classification e.g. Japan- in American indepependence is rewarded but in Japan children are taught to be dependent making it more normal to be type C in Japan
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Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenburg

  • more variation within a country than between countries
  • Germany has more type A children in the north but in the south attachments are more type B and C like the american study
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Strange situation in Japan

  • strange situation assumes that certain behaviours indicate certain attachment types such as happy to explore indicating type B
  • However this may be invalid. type B children behave differently in other countries. type B Japanese children aren't encoraged to explore but to stay close to their mother
  • Takahashi carried out the strange situation in japan and found that children got so distressed that 90% of experiments had to be stopped, this shows that Japanese children have a different type of type B attachment behaviour
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