Life stages

About gross and fine motor skills


Gross motor skills

Gross motor skills

Gross motor skills involve the the use of muscles to control the body.

  •  At 4 weeks can lift head and lie on back with head to one side.
  • At 8 weeks kicks legs vigorously.
  • Can lift head at 3 months hold when lying on front.
  • Can sit unsupported for short periods at 6 months.
  • Between 6 and 9 months may attempt to crawl.
  • Pulls into standing position at 8 months, holding onto furniture.
  • At 1 year crawls very quickly, shuffling and sometimes even walking.
  • Can walk up and down stairs at 2 years.
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fine motor skills

Fine motor skills

Fine motor skills involve hand-eye coordination and the coordination of the fingers.

  • At 4 weeks will turn towards light and stare at objects. Stare at careers face and keep hands tightly closed.
  • at 8-12 weeks can play with fingers and hold rattle for a short time.
  • At 3 months able to grasp an object.
  • At 4-5 months can get a better grasp and put objects in mouth.
  • At 6-9 months start to grip things with just two fingers and deliberatly drop things on the floor.
  • Between 9-12 months can clap hands, point with one finger and shows a preference for using one hand.
  • At 15 months can turn several pages in a book at once.
  • At 18 months can build tower with several bricks and can use a crayon to draw scribbles.
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Intellectual development

Intellectual development in infancy starts when the infants can only see the world from their own point of view, They can't talk ort understand language so they only learn through sight, sound, taste, smell and touch.

  • At 3 months can make noises when they are spoken to and be aware they are being spoken to.
  • At 9 months They begin to practise saying words and and may understand some words like 'no' or 'bye'. They may also say there first word like 'mummy' or 'daddy'.
  • At 12 months infants know there own name and understand a several words. They also understand simple words and gestures.
  • At 15 months they understand and obey simple commands. They can say a few words and understand more.
  • At 18 months the infants will try and join in with nursery rhymes and not many months after this will be able to put a few words together and make simple sentences.
  • At 2 years infants can use around 50 words and understand many more. They can also ask simple questions.
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Emotional development

Emotional development is about how a person feels about themselves like their self- concept, and self-esteem, etc. During the first year an infant will develop and strong emotional bond with their carers.

  • As a newbon the baby will enjoy having a cuddle from their parent or carer, gze into parents eyes and move body to show when happy.
  • At 3 months infant will recognize familiar people and enjoy being talked to.
  • At 6 months the infant will become more aware of people and afraid of strangers. Can laugh when enjoying activities.
  • At 9 months shows fear of strangers by crying, dislike going to bed and expressing feelings, grows attached to certain objects like teddy bear, blanket, etc.
  • At 1 year the infant is very affectionate towards family, enjoys playing games and is shy towards strangers.
  • At 2 years able to express feelings, gets angry if they can not express or show feelings, Infants like to try out new activities and can be confident or may be clingy and dependent on main carer or parent.
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Physical development

Infancy is a period of very fast physical growth where infants double there birth weight in their first 6 months.

  • At 3 months infants can sit with their head held steady for a few minutes if supported.
  • At 6 months infants havemore strength and muscle control. They can lift their head, sit when supported, and turn their heads to look around.
  • At 9 months they can sit unsupported for 10 minutesand are starting to move independently by rolling or squirming. Infants can pull themselves up to satnd and stay standing for a few moments if holding onto something.
  • At 12 months infants can move from a laying position to a sitting position without any help, crawl rapidly and walk for a few moments holding onto furniture.
  • At 15 months infants can get up onto ther feet wit no support and walk and crawl upstairs.
  • At 18 months theycan run and walk upstairs and crawl downstairs.,
  • At 2 years infants can walk downstairs.
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