Latin Language 2 - Adverbs

blah blah blah

  • Created by: CJ
  • Created on: 02-01-11 13:53


adeo                                  - so much, so greatly

antea                                 - before

bene                                  - well

cur?                                   - why?

deinde                               - then

diu                                     - for a long time

ecce!                                 - look!

etiam                                 - even, also

forte                                  - by chance

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frustra                                - in vain

heri                                    - yesterday

hodie                                 - today

iam                                    - now, already

ibi                                      - there

igitur                                  - therefore, and so

interea                               - meanwhile

ita                                      - in this way

itaque                                - and so, therefore

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iterum                              - again

libenter                            - willingly, gladly

magis                              - more

magnopere                     - greatly

maxime                           - very greatly

minime                            - very little, least, no

mox                                - soon

multo                              - much

non                                - not

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nonne...?                     - surely...?

numquam                     - never

nunc                             - now

olim                              - once, some time ago

paene                          - almost, nearly

postea                          - afterwards

postridie                       - on the next day

primo                            - at first

quam                            - than

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quam? quam!                         - how... ? how... !

quando?                                 - when?

quo?                                       - to where?

saepe                                     - often

semper                                   - always

sic                                          - thus, in this way

simul                                      - at the same time

statim                                     - at once, immediately

subito                                     - suddenly

tam                                         - so

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tamen                              - however

tandem                            - at last, finally

tum                                  - then

ubi                                   - where? when, where

umquam                          - ever

unde                                - from where

vehementer                     - violently, loundly

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