Latin Language 2 - Adjectives

Adjective Revision for OCR GCSE Latin Language 2 :)

  • Created by: CJ
  • Created on: 02-01-11 14:55


altus, alta, altum                                                      - high, deep

alius, alia, aliud                                                       - other, another

alter, altera, alterum                                                - the other, another

audax, audacis                                                        - bold, daring

benignus, benigna, benignum                                 - kind

bonus, bona, bonum                                               - good

brevis, breve                                                           - short, brief

celer, celeris, celere                                                - quick, fast

clarus, clara, clarum                                                - famous, clear

crudelis, crudele                                                      - cruel

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difficilis, difficile                                                     - difficult

diligens, diligentis                                                 - careful

dirus, dira, dirum                                                  - dreadful

facilis, facile                                                          - easy

felix, felicis                                                             - fortunate, happy

ferox, ferocis                                                          - fierce, ferocious

fidelis, fidele                                                           - faithful, loyal

fortis, forte                                                             - brave

gravis, grave                                                          - serious, heavy

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infelix, infelicis                                                         - unlucky, unhappy

ingens, ingentis                                                       - huge

iratus, irata, iratum                                                  - angry

laetus, laeta, laetum                                                - happy

lentus, lenta, lentum                                                - slow

longus, longa, longum                                             - long

magnus, magna, magnum                                       - large, great

malus, mala, malum                                                 - bad, evil

medius, media, medium                                           - middle

miser, misera, miserum                                            - misserable, wretched, sad

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multus, multa, multum                                                 - many

nonnulli, nonnullae, nonnulla                                      - some, several

novus, nova, novum                                                    - new

nullius, nulla, nullum                                                    - not any, no

omnis, omne                                                                - all every

parvus, parva, parvum                                                - small

pauci, paucae, pauca                                                  - few, a few

perterritus, perterrita                                                   - terrified

plenus, plena                                                               - full

primus, prima                                                               - first

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pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum                                               - beautiful

qualis?quale                                                                     - what sort of?

quantus?                                                                          - how big? how much?

quot?                                                                                - how many?

Romanus, Romana, Romanum                                        - Roman

sacer, sacra, sacrum                                                       - sacred

saevus, saeva, saevum                                                   - savage, cruel

sapiens, sapientis                                                           - wise

satis                                                                                - enough

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scelestus, scelesta, scelestum                                      - wicked

solus, sola, solum                                                         - alone, lonely

stultus, stulta, stultum                                                   - stupid, foolish

summus, summa, summum                                          - highest, greatest, top (of)

talis, tale                                                                      - such

tantus, tanta, tantum                                                    - so great, such a great

tot                                                                                - so many

totus, tota, totum                                                         - whole

tristis, triste                                                                  - sad

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validus, valida, validum                                                - strong

verus, vera, verum                                                       - true, real

vivus, viva, vivum                                                         - alive, living

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