Language techniques of the poetry from other cultures.

Including Limbo, Nothing's Changed, Island Man, Blessing, Two Scavengers in a Truck, Night of the Scorpion, Vultures and What Were They Like? 



Assonance - (where the vowel in the words rhyme) 'stick is the whip'. 

Repetition - Limbo is repeated over and over, song like and suggests that everyday is the same for the slaves on the ship.

Onomatopoeia - creates a hard sound e.g. the whip, creating a sense of realism. 

Full stop at the end - the end of the torture or the end of their life.

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Nothing's Changed

Monosyllabic - (one syllable words) suggest the bitterness further?

Onomatopoeia - a sense of realism, we feel as though we are walking with him.

Oxymoronic - 'amiable weeds' creating contrast.

Personification - feeling sorry for the weeds. 

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Island Man

Sibiliance - a repeated 's' sound.

Juzaposition - creating a clear contrast between London and his former home; The Caribbean.

Enjambement - to create a sense of pace and a dream like feel.

Repeatition - emphasises that each day is the same.

Capital Letters - stress the start of the new days. 

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Onomatopoeia - feeling as though we are there.

Ejambement - emphasises the pace of the poem.

A sense of desperation throughout. 

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Two Scavengers in a Truck...

CLEAR JUXTAPOSITION! - throughout the poem and in even in the title; contrast throughout.

Repetition - Scavengers is often repeated so add emphasis

Vocab - negative words used to describe scavengers and positive to describe the beautiful people creating a contrast

Scarcasm is also used. 

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Night of the Scorpion.

Repetition - of 'they said' to make it prayer like.

1st person -  makes it more personal

Chronological - the story is told in order of when it happened. 

Memory - it is a clear memory of the child.

The scorpion is referred to as the devil, which adds to the theme of religion.

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Strong imagery - allows the reader to feel as though they are there too. 

Personification - Feeling of love towards between the vultures. 

Contrast - throughout the poem the vultures are contrasted with the commandent. 

Mood - overall a very dark mood, highlighted by the choice of vocab.

Anything that can love can be evil,

Anything that is evil can love.

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What Were They Like?

Alliteration - creates a bitterness to show how their culture was destoryed due to the Vietnam War.

Bitterness - all the answers imply slight bitterness. 

In this poem, there actually in no answers. When looking at the poem it is easy to think that the questions are answer when infact THEY ARE NOT. The answers simply say 'maybe, but we don't actually know for sure'. 

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Amelia Kinsella


thanks keri! :)

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