Language Technique


Literature Technique

Alliteration - repetition of letter at the beginning of word. "she saw sammy snake"

Assonance - repitition of vowel sound in a series of words

Onomatopoeia - 'crash' 'smash' 'hiss' 'bang'

Pathetic fallacy - weather

Parody  exaggerated imitation

Sibilance - 's' sound

Similie - 'as brave as a lion' more emphatic

Juxtaposition  opposites placed together

verb - doing words

noun - person, place or thing

phonology - study of sound

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Literature Technique

Cataphoric referencing - uses a series of pronouns before inroducing proper noun

Pauses/micropauses - a short pause for breath or thinking time

Semantic - concerned with meaning.  When a group of words are together with simiar connotaions, they're part of one "theme" or semantic field.

Dialect - the version of language spoken by particular people in a particular area, such as Scots.

Colloquial - language that is used in speech with an informal meaning; 'chill', 'out of this world', 'take a rain check'.

Engjambment - a device used in poetry where a sentence continues beyond the end of the line or verse. This technique is often used to maintain a sense of continuation from one stanza to another.

Imagery - similes, metaphors and personification; they all compare something 'real' with something 'imagined'.

Irony - the humorous or sarcastic use of words or ideas, implying the opposite of what they mean.

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Literature Technique

Pathos - language that evokes feelings of pity or sorrow.

Dialoque - conversation between two people; sometimes an imagined conversation between the narrator and the reader. This is important in drama and can show conflict through a series of statements and challenges, or intimacy where characters mirror the content and style of each other's speech. It can also be found in the conversational style of a poem.

Hyperbole - exaggerating something for literary purposes which is not meant to be taken literally; we gorged on the banquet of beans on toast

Personification - attributing a human quality to a thing or idea: the moon calls me to her darkened world.

Emotive language - Language that relates or refers to emotions

Oxymoron - two words placed next to each other to show contrast

Expressive talk - Communicating feelings, ideas, emotions and opinions.

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Literature Techniques

Connotations - An association, idea or feeling that is conjured up

Cohesion - When lexis in a text creates a chain of meanings throughout a text

Acquisition - the process by which language skills are developed – particularly in infancy

Conjunction - a word which connects words or other constructions

Analogy - comparing the likeliness of 2 things


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