La Haine - Key Scenes


Opening Scene

  • Red - CInematography Blue - Sound
  • The over the head shot of Saiid, suggest from his perspective he is vulnerable and always opposed to the police. 
  • Wide Lens to create binary between Saiid, representing the youth vs the police. 
  • Close ups on the uniform to reinforce the power of the police - which builds up tension due to the youth's hatred for the police. 
  • The time is shown throughout, emphasises the 24 hour period of the film - creates tension as to what will occur. 
  • The Time ticking bomb sound builds up tension 
  • Voiceover of the TV nes report (outsider perspective, contrasts with Rocket's heterodiegtic narration in COG)
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DJ Scene

  • Dysfunctional use of the camerawork - this signifes that the music is being played throughout the estate area, that all of the residents are aganist the police.
  • "Sound of the police" soundtrack creates a clear hatred and opposition aganist the police reflecting on the context. 
  • Contributes towards the power of the narrative, as the song addresses the police, as the police normally appear more powerful in other media - revealing context to the movie and theme of power within the film. 
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Visiting Abdel in the Hospital

  • Shot - reverse - shot from Saiid, who is torn between the police and his friends, shows his vulnerablitiy and losing power. Binary is created. 
  • Shots of the photographers stood opposite to the boys, with the police intervening in the middle shows the power of the police. 
  • Close ups on Vinz, creates dramatic tension as we know he has a gun - suggesting themes of power and conflict.
  • Diegetic sounds of the cameras flashing creates a sense of neo-realism therefore making this movie seem more real. 
  • Dialouge used to show the conflict between the police and the youth (arguing) therefore creating a binary between them. 
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"Are you Talking to Me?"

  • Wide lens, zooms into Vinz's reflection of himself (distorted, out of control)
  • This creates dramatic impact. He always pictures himself with a gun to create danger, and build up his power and respect, but we never see him use it. 
  • It conveys the context because at the time a member of the youth like Vinz sees their only way of escape from poverty is by causing crime to get power by challenging the police. 
  • The use of referencing a popular film "Taxi Driver" breaks the sense of realism therefore suggesting how Vinz is influenced by the media causing him to believe that everything he sees is real - this reveals context as well. 
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Gallery Scene

  • The use of mise en scene within this scene is important than any other mirco feature. 
  • Wealthier people are shown within the gallery and social interaction 
  • Costumes differs between suits and the run down streetwear by the boys creating a binary between the poor and rich.
  • All wearing dark clothing - connotating the threat that they pose. Leaves the spectator in a "Negotiated Reading position" - conflict between the conflict between Hubert and Vinz leaving the spectator undecided whether to side with the police or the youth. 
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The Boys Vs. Reporters

  • There is a high angle and low angle shot (180 degree) suggesting this is a broken frame. 
  • It suggests how the boys are looked down upon by the news crew and due to the position of the rail showing the binary between them. Furthermore, it conveys how the main characters are caged in and due to their violent and defensive attitude it makes them appear to be wild animals and need to be locked in a cage. (Suggesting that people from different backgrounds belong in poverty compared to the rest of the French - linking in with context)
  • The close up of the needle on the floor by Hubert's feet is an iconography associated with crime.
  • There is irony employed "We're the Future" - inside the estate there is no future.  
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Mise En Scene

  • Hubert's bedroom - posters of iconic black sportstars - giving us insight on his inspirtation and goals in life to get out of the estate and make something out of his life. This shows a sense of realism as everyone has hopes and dreams like Hubert.
  • The gun that Vinz has creates a sense of power and it is most apparent here, but due to his facial expressions demonstrates his hesitation in killing - giving him a likeable trait to the audience therefore showing he has humanity. 
  • Hubert goes from being the voice of reason to encouraging Vinz. This is seen as a test to see if he is capable of murder - something Hubert is capable of having been a marine and possibly shooting the police at the end.
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  • Non-diegetic sound of clock ticking - Time running out? 
  • Someone dying - police or one the boys.
  • Juxaposed with nothing happening with each scene - leaves the spectator uncertain on what the ending will be.
  • "You think a gun makes you tough?" - Hubert to Vinz 
  • "With a thing you're the big Boss of the estate" - Saiid to Vinz - like Lil Ze, the use of the gun means to elevate his power, But like Marco and Ciro he's naiive and this leads to his downfall (death).
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  • 360 slow pan - Close up of Hubert and Vinz looking nervous - reveals demolished police station - Eyeline match with police wearing expressions of anger and resentment. Both appear to be like Marco and Ciro - Amateur - when presentated with authorative figures they back down. 
  • Opening dialouge by Hubert - same as the ending suggesting symbolism to how one event (Abdel's or Vinz's death) can create drastic and destructive consquences (conveying riots will occur like in the context).
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