Krishna and Arjuna Theme 1B


Background (brief)

.Two armies prepare for war- cousins for the throne (Pandavas son of Pandu) and (Kurus)

.Pandavas try to settle dispute with peace, krishna helps to mediate but war was inevitable.

.Krishna was mates with both sides, offering army to one and himself to another. Leader of Kurus Duryodhana chose the army so Krishna joined Arjuna (leader of Pandavas)

.Krishna drives chariot as dosent like war.Krishna tells Arjuna that as a kshatriya its his caste to fight.  This is the beginning of the Bhagavad Gita.

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The teaching on varna and varnadharma

.Varna duties were called varnadharma. The castes go: Brahmin as the top, who are priests and have duties to perform rituals. Kshatriyas are next who are kings to fight. The third is Vaishyas who generate wealth to family. The Sudras then serve other varnas. 

.Arjuna has a conflict of dharma as his caste is to fight but does not want to kill his family. `Now i am confused about my duty and have lost all composure`(BG 2:7)

Kriishna says he wont get bad karma for doing it and says action is done for duty and evil is behind intentions. The Pandavas win.

Bimal Krishna `The trend towards demanding our rights is creating a culture of blame`.

                        `hindusim endorses the need for commensurate rights and responsbilities`

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Samkhya philosophy

Samkyha was founded by Kapila. It combines Samkyha and yoga, to which yoga is the mental discipline used to bring change in consciousness and awareness. 

Its called dualistic realism as it notices two realities- Prakriti (nature and matter) and Purusha (self spirit). it says both are equally real.

Richard Garbe : `most significant system of phiolopshy india produced`

Prakriti is made 3 gunas: sattva (purity), rajas (passion) and tamas (inertia- passivity). Atman is trapped here as it loves these three bois. Its trapped in samsara.Yoga tries to get atman away from this to liberate.

Pantajali made this to samkhya yoga. This gives also practical advice on how to improve things, to bring self to pure consciousness. 

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Paths to liberation: Jnana Yoga

Jnana means knowledge, understanding Kshetra (body) and kshetrajna (soul) and relationship. Goal is to liberate from maya by distinguishing eternal from transient. It converts knowledge to wisdom.

Krishna : (who understands the difference between creation and creator with help of knowledge is dear to me)

4 pillars of knowledge: 

.Viveka- discrimination between real and unreal

.Vairagya- detatchment from possessions

.Shatsampat- 6 virtues to see beyond maya, calmness, restraint, renunciation, endurance, faith and concentration

.Mumukshutva- intense and passionate desire to achieve liberation


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Karma Yoga

The yoga of unselfish action and purifies the heart through acting selflessly without a desire for reward.

Acting in accordance  with dharma without considering results of actions

Krishna beleived every action must be selfless and a service to the devine.

Gandhi is the karmic yogi.

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Bhakti Yoga

A personal relationship with God is based on devotion by service. Bhakti stresses inner feelings than rituals.

Described by Vivekenanda as systamised devotion for attainment of union with absoloute.

Different kinds: Sakamya- desire for material gain

Nishkamya- worshipper tries to be on with god to get blessings like power

Apara- beginners to practise yoga. Worshipper says god is supreme and only worshipped in that form

Para- highest form of bhakti. Worshipper sees god everywhere

Bsed on `God is love, love is God`. 

Everything should be done to create an atmosphere. Lighting a lamp, a clean seat, holy ash on head, wer clean clothes, burning insence. 

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