King Lear - Context - Justice


Routledge - AO3/5


King Lear is unlike Shakespeare's early plays because it doesn't end with a "clear sense of resolution and closure and at least with some hope that tragic or comic misdeeds can be redeemed, especially in reuniting warring families"

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Charless Gildon - AO3/5

Charles Gildon (1710)

Defends Nahum Tate's rewriting as "The King and Cordelia ought by no means to have dy'd".

"We rejoice at the Death of the ******* and the two Sisters, as of Monsters iin Nature under whom the very Earth must groan"

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Harold Bloom - AO5

Harold Bloom

"The prime consequence of such love is only devastation"

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S. L. Goldberg - AO5

S. L. Goldberg 

"There is no supernatural justice - only human natural justice"

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