Kinetic Theory

  • Created by: SophGCSE
  • Created on: 15-10-16 17:21

Kinetic Theory

Kinetic means movement 

Kinetic theory is related to the arrangement and movement of particles in solids, liquids and gases

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Arrangement in Solids

Particles are close together, almost touching 

Vibrate around fixed positions 

This means that the solid had a:

- fixed shape 

- fixed volume 

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Arrangement in Liquids

Particles are still close together, but not in neat rows and columns. 

They move around but not in a fixed way 

Not vibrating gently like they are in a solid 

Liquids have a/take: 

- fixed volume 

- the shape of its container 

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Arrangement in a Gas

Particles are very far apart 

move freely in all directions 

move rapidly 

move randomly 

no fixed way in which they move 

This means that gases: 

- fill the whole space available 

- spread out 

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Particle Energy

Energy level of the particles is different in solids, liquids and gases. 

In solids the energy levels of the particles is very low

In gases the energy levels of the particles is very high 

In liquids it's in the middle

When you heat up a solid it expands because the particles gain energy so they vibrate more

When you heat up a liquid it gains energy so particles move more so the liquid also expands

When you heat up a gas it expands and takes up more space

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