Key Leaders - The French Revolution


Jean Paul Marat

Journalist, politican - Swiss

  • Did scientific experiements on optics and electricity
  • Published several books on philosophical and politicial themes, ' The Chains of Slavery'.
  • In his opinion, the moderate Revolution of 1789, although it had ended rouyal despotism, had left a new aristocradcy of the rich in contro, eith the grievances of the poor still unsatisfied.
  • He had radical views, this made him popular among the lower class in Paris and the Provinces.
  • Hated by the people who supported the moderate Revolution that had produced the limited monarchy.
  • He was hiding from the authority.
  • Marats' beleifs came true, such as massacres, executions etc.
  • Was elected to the Convention.
  • Voted with the left-wing = Jacobins.
  • Blamed for the September massacres.
  • He went strongly against the Girondin, he was therefore stabbed by Charlotte Corday.
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Jacques Hebert ( 1757 - 1794 )

  • French journalist and revolutionist, published the journal '' Le Pere Duchesne''
  • Spokesman for the sans-culottes, the extreme republicans of revolutionary France.
  • Member of the bourgeoisie.
  • He was appealing to popular revolt against the nobility + clergy.
  • He attacted the crown as the enemy of the revolution.
  • Le Pere Duchesne, exspounding his conception of proleterian interests, and for this own frustration.
  • Dec. 22, 1792, Herbert was elected assistant prosecutor of the Parish Commune.
  • Became the advocate of sans-culottism.
  • Demanded all-out was against the enemies.
  • Associated with the de-christianzation.
  • Linked to the program of terror in Lyons, Nantes and Vendee.
  • Terrorists, influenced the Committee of General Security.
  • Base power of the CPS.
  • Egged on by his own supporters, because they blamed him for the failure in price controlls.
  • Executed.  
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Georges Jacques Danton ( 1759-1794)

  • French statesman, leader during the French Rev.
  • Called the ' orator of the streets', he was also the most prominent early defender of popular liberties and the republican spirit.
  • Had a degree in law, advocate for the King's Council.
  • He had a laoud voice, fiercy speech - made the public accept him as its champion of liberty.
  • He was a programist - beleived that the Rev. could only succed of it uphold the rights of property, ending the war quickly and restoring order.
  • He was lazy, and this blunted the force of his actions, and made him appear unreliable to many.
  • He was less a radical person that the others, this therefore made him a great leader.
  • He was a part of the Cordelliers Club, inclined towards the 'peoples cause'.
  • He was also involved in the fall of Bastille, and followed the Kings' Flight.
  • Was for the creation of the republic.
  • Elected first deputy prosecutor of the Paris Commune. Than elected president by the Theatre Francaise Electoral District. He also opposed the trial of the King.
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Louis Antoine Leon de Saint-Just (1767-1794)

  • Radical leader durin the Revolution
  • A member of the Jacobin group in Paris during the Reign of Terror.
  • Studied law, and published a burlesque epic.
  • Gave his support to the Revolution when it broke out.
  • Published 'The Spirit of the Revolution and the Constitution of France'
  • Elceted as a member of the Convention, one of the tasks was to make a draft to the new Constitution.
  • He was handsome, proud and self-possessed. He urged the trial and execution of the King.
  • He became the spokesman for the Jacobins in demanding death of the Girondins.
  • He also became a member of the Committee of the Public Safety, used Reign of Terror, to the repressing opposition.
  • Became representative to the Army of the Rhine in Stratsbourg, the war went badly.
  • In Paris, he defended the Terror, he was a terrorist and a idealist.
  • He supported Robespierre, however they were arrested and execute. Saint-Just than was called the 'archangel of the Revolution'.
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