Key Features of Detente


Key Features of Detente

Outer-Space Treaty 1967:

  • Stopped the arms race spreading to space.
  • Both superpowers said that they wouldn't have nuclear weapons in space.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 1968:

  • Neither country would supply weapons to other countries to aid their development.
  • This stopped other countries being engulfed by the arms race.

SALT 1 (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) 1972:

  • Signed in 1972, it successfully limited the number of weapons they had.
  • It imposed limits on the nuclear capability of the USA and USSR.
  • They agreed there would be no production of ballistic missiles.
  • Submarines would only be produced when the nuclear missiles ran out.
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Key Features of Detente (Continued)

Helsinki Conference 1975:

  • Security -> Recognition of Europe's borders - USSR accepted that West Germany existed and that it did not belong to them.
  • Cooperation -> There was a need for closer economical, cultural and scientific links between the superpowers. This would lead them to closer political agreement.
  • Human Rights -> Each superpower agreed to respect their citizens human rights. E.g. thought, speech etc.
  • This stabilised the situation in Europe as there was greater cooperation between the superpowers and their European allies.

Apollo-Soyuz Mission 1975:

  • A joint mission between the USA and USSR.
  • The US Apollo space craft docked with the Russian Soyuz craft in space.
  • The 60s was a competetive space race but this represented cooperation between the superpowers.
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