Key theme 1


Local Govt. 1

AII - Zemstva - Education - 1864 - 1/3 Gentry 1/3 town 1/3 peasents 

- Created JP's (Jusices of the peace) 

AIII - Zemstva - Peasent rep reduced - total authority 

- Land captins - replaced JP's (appointed) 

NII - Reinstates local JP's - Zemstvas work together in 1904 congress of zemstva's

Lenin - Soviets- have to be a member of the soviet party

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Censorship 2

AII - Less after printing - increased again after 1866 - 1st assassinaton attempt (hell)

AIII - 1891 famin - censored - libary stock restricted - agter 3 strikes newspapers could be sensored without warning - editors banned

NII - Kopekpenny newspaper 1908-1918 - reduction in censorship 

Prov Govt - Freedom - still censorship (pravda) 

Lenin - Borgeoise & newspaper banned 1917 - 1918 banned all other parties & newspapers 

Stalin - Crime to listen to foreign radio - union of soviet writers

Khruschev - Novocherkassk censored for 30 years - the thaw

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Nationalities 3

AII - Bulgaria revolution 1876 - polish uprising 1863-64 (fails/punished) - repressed - Ukrane have own lang & finland own currency and parliment

AIII - Economic sanctions on Fins - 1885 Russification impossed on all primary schools

NII - Ukranian enlightenment - allowed rep in duma

Prov Govt - Finland & Ukrane given independence in july 

Lenin - Finland & Poland remain independent 

Stalin - Katyn massacre 1940 - harsh treatment of Latvia 

Khruschev - Secret speech

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Education 4

AII - Primary school places increased - greater education for women and the poor - 1855 illiteracy 97% 

AIII - Education made for w/c - inspections on non educational activities 

NII - Primary school places doubled - 50% of people in primary education - 28% litteracy 

Lenin - Removed from control of church 

Stalin - Primary ed compulsory from 1930 - illiteracy reduced - 1939 4% in men 11% in women - 1855 97% litteracy 

Khruschev - Higher tuition fee's abolished

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Industry 5

AII - New work disaplin

AII - Rapid economic growth - whitt's great spurt (8% growth) - 1892 no children under 12 or women allowed in mines - rouble put on gold standard - Moscow and St Petersburg population over 1m

NII - Transibberian railway finished 1904 - 11.5h working day 

PG - Freedom to strike - 8h day 

L - War communism 1918 -1921 (nationalisation)

S - 5 year pan with production targets - 12h day 6 day week - abstinence is a criminal offence 

K - 7 year plan - 1956 min wage 

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opposition and repression 6

AII - Assassination attempt 1881 - hell - show trials (trial of the 50)

AIII - 1886 Lenin's brother arrested & executed - failed attempt to assassinate tsar 

NII - Bloody sunday 1905 

PG - Okhrana abolished - pravda banned (still repressed )

L - Checka could execute without trial - labour camps set up for political prisoners 

S - Trotsky killed - 1933 party purged - 1937 tourture legalised 

K - Closing of gulags - 1962 Novocherkask (workers demo) repressed for 30 years - Beria killed 

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