Key terms of US Presidency early 1900s

  • Created by: EliseJ
  • Created on: 14-03-18 11:47


-Harding believed US shouldn't become entangled w/other nations

-Introduced 4 actions:

*Cutting number of immigrants

*Not joining League of Nations

*Trade tarrifs favouring US business

*Not setting up colonies

-1921 Emergency Qouta Act = restrict number of immigrant to 357,000 but reduced 1924 to 150,000

-Great Depression forced US to focus on domestic problems over foreign affairs

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Rugged Individualism

-Hoover created shift of emphasis for presidency

-Rugged Individualism = people who could look after selves make own way in world

-Those believing in rugged individualism felt that:

*Govt shouldn't help homeless as weakened govt

*Businesses be free to run selves - even if exploited workforce

*USA isolate itself

*USA restrict immigration

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Great Depression

-Wall Street Crash - underlying problems w/boom combined w/out of control share trading

-Unemplyment figures rose

-Majority population believed depression would improve sooner than it did

-Hoover favoured Republican policy of leaving economy alone - sort itself out

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The Bonus Army

1924 - US govt gave those fought ww1 bonus payment calculated on years of service 

Paid veterans who owed $50 at once however rest went into fund to pay out in 1945

Many veterans asking for money early due to Great Depression as many homeless or unemployed

June 1932 - marched to Washington to make demands in person (between 150,000 - 200,000 people came + camped round cities) - police tried to break up camps bcos fear of riots but little success 

28th July 1932 - troops sent wi/tear gas, bayonets, cavalry, tanks + machine guns not all used tho

Camps dispersed + report published later suggested many were communists + criminals making situation less blameworthy

Hoover lost significant popularity as a result

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