Jane Eyre - Denouement

  • Created by: RavenF
  • Created on: 03-12-19 15:04


Denouement - final part of the narrative, strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are resolved/ explained. 

Tension mounts - we don't know if Jane will see Rochester again, if she will go back on her promise and become his mistress, or if he will want her back. We learn he is injured, we're not sure if they will get together again. 

FLIGHT from Morton - echoes her flight from Thornfield; Before, she was running away from Rochester, now she is running to him - shows he has great control over her feelings, her usual calm state would never flee to/from things. 

MATURITY - Jane knows what she wants; knows that she'll only be satisfied by following her heart. No longer submissive, feels she deserves happiness and is going to find it. 

MONEY - she is now more commanding, doesn't hesitate to enlist help from people - suggests that people were only willing to serve the rich at this time/ only a wealthy woman was respected

Servant's account - Jane learns real story and that she had done the right thing in keeping to her morals. 

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Arrival at Ferndean

Comparisons between Ferdean/ Thornfield: Both very old buildings (reflect the long and hard history of Rochester's, again, a link to the buildings he lives in). Both desolate spots, Thornfield because it has burned down. Both uninhabited. 

RELATIONSHIP ALTERED - they still have the same passion/ adoration for each other, yet Rochester no longer treats Jane as an adored child, he depends on her to guide him and show him the way. Jane no longer afraid of standing up to him, firm towards him and knows she doesn't have to change her nature to be around him. More in control in the relationship now. Has no doubts about their relationship, knows she will never leave him again. 

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Loose ends tied up

Loose ends tied up:

  • Jane has finally married Rochester. 
  • St John has come to terms with her marriage even though he doesn't seem happy about it/ has pursued path as a missionary in India/ will never marry
  • Diana and Mary - both married happily 
  • Rochester- regains some of his sight, has a child with Jane
  • Adele leaves her strict school, goes to one that Jane found for her, visits Jane and Rochester occasionally. Becomes a 'pleasing and obliging' companion for Jane. 
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'Reader, I married him'

'Reader, I married him' - admitting to the reader directly that despite all the hardships she has been through with Rochester, her great feelings for him led to their eventual marrige. Suggests she had some element of control in this marriage, as though it was her decision, she wasn't forced, didn't submit. (Shows her newly found independence) 

Jane now become an independent woman, knows exactly what she wants to do with her life and that she has the right to control her own destiny (shows how she is no longer submissive) 

Acquired a family, Rochester who she chose herself, and the Rivers family. Rivers family could symbolise a reward for sticking to her morals - although she lost the one she loves, she found 3 people who loved her instead. 

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Conventional ending?

Conventional ending?  - Appears to be, as Rochester and Jane marry, as in any romance novel. 

Unconventiona - Rochester regains his sight; maybe quite unrealistic. Novel ends with spiritual quotes from St. John; the novel is not primarily about him. Spiritual ending could symbolise how Jane has stuck to her morals throughout the novel, yet could also be a mockery, suggesting that Jane hasn't let her morals/ religion override her and rule her life completely, prohibiting any personal happiness, as St John has done. 

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