


  • Ionisation is any process that createds ions (usually caused by knocking electrons off of atoms)
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Ionisation Processes

  • If an electron collides with an atom then it can knock an electron out of a shell
  • Momentum and Kinetic Energy are conserved although some energy is lost removing the electron. This is called the ionisation energy of the atom
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Ionising Radiation

  • Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation (plus fast moving neutrons) can also give enough energy to electrons for them to be removed from an atom; they are called ionising radiation due to this ability
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The electron volt (eV)

  • Energy can be measured in Joules or electron volts (eV)
  • An electron volt is the amount of energy needed to move a charge of the electron across a PD of 1 volt
  • W = qV = 1.6x10^-19C x 1V = 1.6x10^-19 eV
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Extraction by Collision

  • An electron with insufficient energy to ionise an atom and liberate an electron may cause an electron to be promoted to a higher shell. When this happens the incident electron loses energy to the excited electron
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