Ionic bonding


Ionic bonding

  • Transferring electrons
  • In ionic bonding, atoms lose or gain electrons to form charged particles called ions
  • Ions are strongly attracted to each other because of the attraction of opposite charges + and -

Keen to get rid:

  • A shell with just one atom is keen to get rid of it
  • All atoms on the left-hand side of the periodic table e.g sodium and potassium have just one or two electrons in their outer shell (highest energy level)
  • And so they're pretty keen to get rid of it so they have only full shells left
  • Given the chance, they do get rid and that leaves the atom as an ion instead
  • They leap at the first passing ion with opposite charge and stick to it like glue

Keen to get that extra electron:

  • Atoms on the other side of the periodic table e.g oxygen, have almost full outer shells
  • They want to gain an extra one to become full shells and so become ions when they do
  • They then latch onto the ion that gave them the elctron a moment earlier
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