The Cold War

  • Created by: T999
  • Created on: 27-05-17 13:17

Why did the USA-USSR alliance begin to break down

- Different Political and economic system in the USA and USSR 

- During WW2, USA and Soviets were fighting a common enemy. May 1945, Germany defeated and factors bringing countries together were gone.

- In 1920s and 30s both USA weren't as powerful as they were by 1945. In 1930s, USA was emerging from Depression + USSR was quite weak.

- In 30s USA followed an isolationist policy and wanted to avoid becoming involved in European issues. By 1945, USA had become srtongest economic + military power in world.

- Failure of agreement at Potsdam caused tension to increase. In March 1946, Winston Churchill, claimed 'Iron Curtain' had descended across Europe, seperating democratic nations of West and Communist states in Eastern Europe.

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Events of Yalta - Role of Each Leader

Yalta - February 1945 (Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin)

- Germany divided into 4 zones. Run by USA, France, Britain, USSR

- Berlin to be divided into 4 zones

- Eastern Europe countries allowed free elections to decide how they would be governed

- USSR join war against Japan in return for territory in Manchuria and Sakhalin Island

Stalin wanted to move Poland frontier westward into German territory. Churchill + Roosevelt unhappy but thousands of Soviet troops in Poland so had to agree. Stalin agreed to support communist rebels in Greece.

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Events of Potsdam - Role of Each leader

Potsdam July 1945 - Harry Truman (more anti communist), British Clement Attelee, Stalin

- Germany surrendered 8th May 1945. Britain + USA reduced forces in Europe. Stalin ignored British + US protests about creation of communist gov in Poland. Stalin said protection for USSR's borders.

- Atomic Bomb Truman informed Stalin about weapon he was going to use against Japan. Successful testing of atomic bomn in July 1945 began a new arms race between US and USSR.

- Nazi party to be banned and leaders tried as war criminals

- Oder-Neisse line was to form part of the future border between Poland + Germany

Distrust between Stalin and US/Britain

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Tensions at Potsdam

1) Stalin denied of naval base in Mediterranean

- No need for Stalin to have such base

- Stalin saw as evidence for mistrust

2) Stalin wanted to take more reparations from Germany 

- Didn't want to cripple Germany  - saw results of reparations in ww1 

- Stalin suspicious about why allies wanted to protect Germany and help it recover

3) Stalin set up communist gov in Lublin and capital of Poland. 

- Britain/USA preferred non communist gov in Poland.

- Truman and Attlee very suspicious of Stalin's motives in setting up communist gov.

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Impact of Truman Doctrine

Truman Doctrine - 1947

- Events in Greece convinced Truman that communism would spread if he didn't act. 

-USA wouldn't return or isolationism- it would play leading world role

-Aim to contain communism but not push it back. 

-USA would provide military + econmic aid to Turkey as well as Greece

Clear cold war had started as both feared the spread of the other's ideology.  

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Impact of Marshall Aid

Marshall Aid - 1947 - Truman believed poverty and hardship leads to communism. Wanted Europe prosperous. Also important for American businesses to have trading partners in future.

- Secretary of State George Marshall visited Europe + made a plan for how they would recover.  

Aims: - Stop Spread of Communism 

- Help economies of Europe recover (eventually providing market for US exports)


- Billions of dollars were poured into Europe from 47-51 providing vital help for Europes economic recovery. But Marshall aid caused tensions 

-Only 16 european countries accepted - all western european states

-Stalin refused Marshall Aid for USSR and banned eastern European countries from accepting

- If USA was tring to control by buying West Europe Stalin would control East by allies + red army.

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How had the USSR gained control of Eastern Europe

  • Elections held in eastern European countries as promised at Yalta in 1945.
  • Evidence suggests they were rigged to allow USSR backed Communist parties to take control.
  • In Bulgaria, Albania, Poland, Romania and Hungary, opponenents of communists had been beaten, murdered or frightened into submission.
  • By May 1948, all eastern european states had Communist gov.
  • Yugaslavia leader Tito refused to submit to Stalin's control so Yugoslavia was cut off from aid from USSR.
  • Stalin had created cominform and comecon - a trading alliance of communist countries to help him keep a tight grip on his neighbours. These countries became known as satellite states because their governments and economies depended heavily upon USSR.

Cominform - 1947 -Alliance of communist countries probably as a result of Marshall aid. Aim was to spread Stalin's communist ideas. Cominform helped Stalin tighten his hold on his Communist allies because it restricted contact with West.

Comecon 1949 - To co-ordinate prodution + trade of eastern euro countries. Favoured USSR

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How did the USA react to Soviet Expansion?

Truman concerned at growth of soviet influence in east europe but as most of countries involved had been liberated by Soviets so had soviet troops in area, nothing he could do.

February 1947 Truman informed British couldn't afford to station troops in Greece + Turkey.

Knew withdrawl of troops would lead to Soviets taking control. He paid for British troops to stay + gave financial support to 2 countries. Beginning of containment. 

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Causes and Consequences of Berlin Blockade


  • -Britain and US wanted to help Germany recover - they could afford to keep feeding Germany and felt punishment would not help future peace. Stalin against and suspicious of British and American intentions. French were unsure.
  • 1948 Britain, America and France merged their zones to form Trizonia. Help of Marshall aid, West Germany began to recover and prosper. In East Germany controlled by USSR there was poverty and hunger. East Germans leaving.
  • To Stalin seemed like Allies were building up West Germany to attack him. West introduced new currency. Stalin couldn't stop the introduction of new country or merging of western zones but he could cut off West Berlins physical links to East. 


  • In May 1949 British, French, US zones became federal republic of Germany.
  • In October 1949 Soviet occuped zone became known as German Democratic Republic.
  • NATO and Warsaw pack started - military alliance and for defence.
  • Berlin Airlift - Allies airlifted supplies to East Berlin in June 1948. Planes supplied for 10 months. May 1949 Stalin reopened communications
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Argument for USA being more to Blame for Cold War

Arguments for USA to blame:

  • At Yalta Roosevelt did not define what was meant by a sphere of influence - Stalin saw it as total control over the East but the USA only wanted Russia to have an influence. Roosevelt also showed a lack of trust in Stalin. Roosevelt allowed Russia to move border into Poland as long as Russia did not interfere with Greece (shouldn't have bought Greece into this)
  • Tested the atom bomb in 1945 caused tension between the two countries
  • Truman Doctrine - America sending money and supplies to stop the spread of Communism - seen as unfair
  • Marshall Aid - America gave money to rebuild Europe and prevent people wanting Communism as an alternative - made Stalin suspicious
  • Berlin Blockade - airlifting the supplies was seen by Stalin as a form of confrontation
  • NATO was set up for collective security which upset Russia who issued a statement of warning of consequences of military alliance in the West.
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Argument for USSR being more to Blame for Cold War

Arguments for Russia to blame:

- At Yalta, Russia insisted border moved into Poland despite America not agreeing at first. Took over government in countries that were freed from German control.

- Red Army presence - Communist government was set up in Poland which was against Yalta

- Cominform and Comecon were set up to co-ordinate communist governments and industries. This was seen as a threat by the USA as it excluded the West

- The Berlin Blockade was provocative and angered the USA who saw it as a threat to freedom.

- The Warsaw pact was also seen as a threat by the USA

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Argument for USSR and USA being both to blame

Arguments for both to blame:

Leaders were suspicious of each other - lacked trust

They were only interested in their own interests

They had so many ideological differences they were bound not to get along

Both involved in the Berlin Blockade + Airlift

Had disagreements at Summit conferences (Yalta and Potsdam). Some areas should have been resolved better to avoid disagreement at a later date e.g. Spheres of influence.

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