
GUI - with gui the mouse is used as the main input device gui consist of some of the following: windows, icons, menus, pointers,desktop, drag and drop, taskbars.

  • Created by: caprice
  • Created on: 01-11-13 11:09

graphical user interface GUI

is a type of user interface that allows users tointeract with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators such as secondary notation, as opposed to text-based interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation.

some types of GUI are

  • windows
  • icons
  • menus
  • pointers
  • desktop
  • drag and drop
  • taskbars

the main inoput to work gui is the mouse.

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spread sheets

spread sheet software is used to minipulate numbers and text arranged in cells. formulae are used to relate one cell with other cells.once formulae has been entered, then if one value of a cell non which the formula is bases changes the formula will automatically perform the calculations with the new value.

spreadsheets are ideal for

  • budgets
  • cash flow forecast
  • accounts
  • creating using models
  • performing stastitical analysis on data
  • producing graphs and charts from sets of data
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a macro consist of keystrokes and menu choices which are recorded by the user as a small program. instead of issuing the same series of instructions and commads. macros save time

macros can be set up so that a complex task can be reduced to simply pressing a button in this way more eperinced users can help less experienced userd to complete time consuming repetitive routines simply.

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data base

data base software allows data to be entered and stored in a structured way which aids its retrival.

database managements systems keep the data seperate from the programs themselves, so that once the data has been created it can be accessed using a different software. this is important as when a business or organsisation expands it may decide to use a different data base management software and will not want to input all the data again. 

data bases used by] businesses and organisations are called relation databases, with the data being held in lots of different tables with links called relationship between tables.

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application software

application software is software that allows the computer to be applied to a particular problem. Application software would not normally be applied to the management of the resource of the computer such as memory, time spent processing jobs, and dealing with input and outputs.

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operating systems

- the main purpose of the operating system is to allow the applications software (data bases, browsers, word processor, games etc) to interact with the computer hardware to behave in a particular way so that the applications software can use it.

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word processing

Word processing – word processing packages are used to produce documents containing text such as letters, reports, etc. And for preparing text for other applications. For example, text could be typed in using word processing software and then the file could be imported into the desktop publishing software.

 Before staring any document these factors need to be considered

  • ·         Page layout/ format
  • ·         Formatting tex
  • Fformatting blocks of text 

Features of word processing software

  • ·         Templates
  • ·         Mail merge
  • ·         Indexing
  • ·         Macros
  • ·         Thesaurus
  • ·         Spellchecker
  • ·         Grammar check
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components of a ICT system

  • people - are needed to supply the data to the ICT system
  • data- is the raw material of any ICT system to provide the information
  • procedures - determine what needs done and when
  • hardware -these are the physical components that make up the ICT system e.g keyboard
  • software - these are the computers programs which provide the step by step instructions to get the job done
  • information - the results fromthe processing data information is the output from an ICT system
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characteristics of users

users are poeple who use the system designed by others on a day-a-day basis. in many cases they will spend long periods using these systems, which could be a major part of their work. there is therefore an obligation onn people who design and develop these systems to make them as easy and user friendly as possible 

users have different requirements depending on 

  • experience
  • physical charaterists
  • envirnment of use
  • task to be under taken
  • age
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a wizard is user interface which presents the user with a sequence of dialouge boxes that lead the user through a series of well deifined steps.

example of wizards include

  • word processing - mail merge wizard
  • data base- create a new form 
  • desktop publishing - setting up a brouchre
  • spreadsheets - chart wizard, function wizard

characteristics of wizards

  • they take the user through a step by step process
  • they offer standard formats which the user can use
  • offer a number of options
  • offer previews
  • they can speed up the process of completing a task
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a template is a tool ensuring document and publications have a standard layout, look and feel.

  • templates can ensure standard text such as page no. title, and date and time.
  • ensure  that important graphics e.g. company logo appear on every page in the correct position.


  • businesses use templates to ensure that all documentation is consistent. so they all have a similar look
  • templates dave alot of time
  • different templates for different purposes
  • templates are normally read only so they cant be altered by mistake


  • because template are read only if there is an error the only person who can alter it is the correct person with authority
  • if spelling mistakes are found on the template they will appear in every document
  • the template might not be appropiate to the specific task
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