Information Processing



information can include the pictures , sounds and feelings that convey information to you , your senses provide you with information . this is called input

we also perceive the situation and perceive the relevent enviromental features

input        stimulus identification response selection response programming          output

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the process of requiring interpreting selecting sensory information . in the sensory selection process . making sense of the enviroment . from the external enviroment and internal enviroment

informatyion from the internal enviroment is known as proprioceptive, this has three compnents   touch   equlibrium   kinaethesis

kineathesis is our sense of body awarness it tells the brain were a limbs and junk

stimulus is anything that stands out from the background

perception involves detection comparison and recognition

selective attention is the procees of picking out and focusing parts of the display that are relevent to the performance

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short term sensory store

all the information is stored here , this means it has a huge capacity, memories only last for half a second . thought to operate for each form of sensory information , if its not immediatly attended to its lost , selective attention occurs here

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Short term memory

working memory , what we are thinking at any given time

its capacity is limited and the information can be be there for about 60 secs , 5-9 items are stored in here , use chunking to help keep more information in here , info only remains here aslomg as its attended to ,

coaches must make sure demostrations are    brief   to the point    learner is payting attention

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Long term memory

all information in the stm is either stored here its lost , the ltm is a store of well learned past experiences. there is almost limited capacity and items can be stored for dozen of years. stores responses used in difficult situations

retention of info is influenced by

rehersal      meaningfullness    speed of learning     over-learning

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strategies to improve memory

1 practice  - this is rehersal , the more you do it the more likely it will go into your ltm , when learning keep it more relevent to the performance

2 chaining - involves breaking a complex action into similar actions which can be stored into a whole serious

3 chunking - BED

4 creating a mental picture - is we can see a performance in ones mind can help a person to remeber a skill most effectively , its like practiscing without moving. mental rehersal is far easier for closed skills to make it effective you must   relx  create a mental picture   use all your senses  see yourse;f through your minds eye    evalute yourself     its used in aquiring a skill  used by elite performars used when someone is injured

u can think watch read and listen

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Decision Making

improvced by practrice and sped up by coaching

response selection - deciding how to respond deciding what to do

single channel hypothesis - once a stimulus goes into the tube no other stimulus can go through until the other stimulus has finished

Reaction time - time spent to make a decision , measured from stimulus given to the response initiation

movement time - the time taken from the start of the movement to the end of the movement  this is detrermid by strenght and muscle fibre and learning of the movemnt

response time - time from stimulus given to the end of response

choice reaction  requires a choice and simple reaction time single response to single stimulus

hicks law shows that the more stimulus the greater the time it takes to react

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physcological refractory period

the delay in the response to the second of two closely spaced stimuli . ball players often attempt to increase the prp in their opponents by disuising a shot or throwing a dummy., according to single channel hypothesis the prp is due to the inhability of the brain to deal with two stumli simultaneasly

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