Influences - Alvin Ailey

  • Black Americans struggled for racial eqality 1950's and 1960's.
  • Earlier in the century, many states enacted 'Jim Crow' laws.
  • Jim Crow laws were named for a song sung by a white minstrel character of the mid 1800's who imitated popular ***** crooning and dancing.
  • Created by: henners2
  • Created on: 19-05-14 12:13

Jim Crow Laws

  • Jim Crow laws were passed by southern states that created a racial caste system in the American south.
  • Two seperate societies were created by 1914; one black and one white.
  • Blacks and whites could not ride together in the same rail car,sit in the same waiting room,sit in the same theatre,attend the same school or eat in the same restaurant.
  • Black Americans were denied access to the beaches,swimming pools,parks,picnic areas and many hospitals.
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1960-1970 Civil Rights Movement

  • Throughout the 1960's,bus riding Freedon Riders,marchers,boycotters and other protesters continued their crusade for freedom and were met fierce white and estblishment resistance.
  • Riots,bombings,beatings and shootings were commom as growing thousands of civil rights protesters matched throughout the South and in many cases the North as well.
  • Ku Klux Klan members and other whites who believed in white supremacy spread terror all through the South.
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Martin Luther King,Jr.

  • On August 28,1963,over 250,000 people,including thousands of whites,gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.
  • The emerging leader of the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King,Jr.,gave his famous 'i have a dream' speech.
  • Continued protests,boycotts and marches gradually convinced the American populace to seriously consider major changed to the way blacks were treated in America.
  • The assassination of Martin Luther King,Jr. on April 3,1968 and the ensuring race riots and protests shocked America and galvanized support for the Civil Rights Movement.
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1960's Civil Rights Movement

  • Black Americans struggled for racial equality in the 1950's and 1960's.
  • Earlier in the century, many states enacted 'Jim Crow' laws.
  • Jim Crow laws were named for a song sung by a white minstrel character for the mid 1800's who imitated popular ***** croooning and dancing.
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