Individual Differences in Independant behaviour - dispositional factors

locus of control, authoritarian personality etc

  • Created by: Molly
  • Created on: 28-10-10 11:49

Locus of control

 The term ' locus of control'  refers to a persons perception of personal control over their own behaviour.  Our personality differences will lead us to adopt either an internal or external locus of control.

High internals - perceive themselves as having a great deal of personal control over their behaviour, and are therefore more likely to take responsibility. For example, 'If i want an A, i need to work hard'

High externals- perceive events that happen as being outside of their control by external influences or luck. For example, 'I failed because my teacher didn't tell me to revise conformity'

High externals are more likely to conform and be obedient.

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Why does locus of control affect independant behav

High internals are active seekers of information that is useful to them, and so are less likely to rely on the opinions of others.

Research suggests that internals are more likely to become leaders than followers because they take responsibility for their actions and assume they can cause changes in the enviroment.

High internals tend to be more achievement-orientated and consequently are more likely to become leaders and entrepeneurs.

Internals get less anxious and depresses because they do not feel threatened or helpless in the faceof events.

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Authoritarian Personality

Adorno proposed a personality type that was linked to high levels of obedience and conformity called the authoritarian personality.

Authoritatian personalities have a number of characteristics - they are very concerned with status and upholding convention, they are very conformist and tend to be very submissive towards people who they see as having a higher status than them.

Adorno believed that people develop a authoritarian personality because of their upbringing as a child.If their parents are overly strict and show little love, the chilf grows up harbouring resentment and hostility towards their parents.

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