In Verrem Chapter 63


part 1

oppidum est in Hellesponto Lampsacum, iudices, in primis Asiae provinciae clarum et nobile; homines autem ipsi Lampsaceni cum summe in omnes   cives Romanos officiosi, …. (sunt)

 There is a town in Hellespont, judges, called Lampsacum, in the first province of Asia from renown and for nobleness; but the Lampsaceni men themselves are full of the greatest courtesy  for all Roman citizens. 

 portrayal of Lamsacani in a positive light

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part 2

tum praeterea maxime sedati et quieti, prope praeter ceteros ad summum Graecorum otium potius quam ad ullam vim aut tumultum adcommodati. 

and additionally are exceptionally quiet and orderly, and nearly beyond all the rest of the Greeks, are inclined to the greatest ease rather than to any strife or violence.

juxtaposed with Verres

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part 3

accidit, cum iste a Cn. Dolabella efflagitasset ut se ad regem Nicomedem regemque Sadalam mitteret, cumque iter hoc sibi magis ad quaestum suum quam ad rei publicae tempus accommodatum depoposcisset,

 It happened, when that man prevailed upon Dolabella to send him to kind Nicomedes and king Sadala, when he had begged (for) this expedition, more with a view to his own gain than in to any gain for the Republic  

selfish and not a seeking to benefit Rome

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part 4

ut illo itinere veniret Lampascum cum magna calamitate et prope pernicie civitatis deducitur iste ad lanitorem quendam hospitem, comitesque eius item apud ceteros hospites conlocantur.

And in that journey he came to Lampsacus with great calamity and almost ruin of the city.  That man  is conducted to the house of a man called Janitor as his host; and his companions are also stationed with other hosts.

derogatory term

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part 5

ut mos erat istius, atque ut eum suae libidines flagitiosae facere admonebant, statim negotium dat illis suis comitibus, nequissimis turpissimisque

As was the custom of that man, and as his lusts always pushed him to commit some wickedness, he immediately gives a commission to his companions, the most worthless and infamous men

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part 6

uti videant et investigent ecqua virgo sit aut mulier digna quam ob rem ipse Lampsaci diutius commoraretur.

to inquire and find out whether there is any virgin woman worthy of his staying longer at Lampsacus for her sake.

objectifying women

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