Ice on the Land- Quori Kalis Glacier


Location and Evidence of Retreat

Location: Andes Mountains, Peru, South America

Evidence of Retreat:

- Geologists found that between 1963- 1978 the glacier was retreating by about 6m per year.

- However, from 1991- 2005 it was decreasing 10 times that (60m per year).

- Since 1991, a lake has been forming at the bottom (zone of ablation), this was measured to be 80m deep in 2005.

- In May 2006, a large piece of ice broke off into the water causing a wave to flow into the valley.

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Causes of Retreat

Causes of Retreat:

- Scientists believe that this is caused by global warming.

- Average global temperatures have increased by about 0.9 degrees in the last 150 years.

- The temperature increase means that the glacier experiences more ablation than accumulation, causing it to retreat.

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