Humanistic Approach

  • Created by: Jscott18
  • Created on: 17-09-17 19:42

Key Assumptions

Key Points

  • Person centred approach
  • Opposed to using objective methods
  • Personal Agency- Make your own choices
  • Phenomenological- Study of humans from their view
  • A persons experiences and feelings are considered
  • People have free will and aren't affected by other factors


  • Emerged in the USA in the 1950's
  • Its the third force in psychology alongside the behaviorist and psychodynamic approaches
  • The most influential humanistic psychologist's were Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers
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Carl Rogers- Key parts of his theory

Fully Functioning Person

  • Believe that all people are capable of achieving their own goals, wishes and desires in life
  • Open to experience- Both positive and negative emotions are accepted
  • Existential life- Avoid making prejudgments and preconceptions
  • Trust feelings- Feelings, instincts and gut reactions are paid attention to
  • Creativity- Risk taking and creative thinking are undertaken
  • Fulfilled life- Happiness and satisfaction are experienced with new challenges and experiences

Conditions Of Worth

  • Unconditional postive regard- People accept and love another for who they are despite any faults
  • Self-worth- When a person feels confident and postive

Self-concept And Congruence-

  • Congruence- Similarity between self and ideal self
  • Incongruence may prevent personal growth
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Abraham Maslow- Key parts of his theory

Hierarchy Of Needs/ Desires

  • Physiological- Breathing, food, sleep and water
  • Safety- Health, employment and property
  • Love/ belonging- Friendship, family and sexual intimacy
  • Esteem- Confidence, achievement and respect
  • Self-actualization- Creativity, lack of prejudice and morality

Characteristics Of Self-actualisers

  • Needs lower down the hierarchy must be satisfied first, and the higher up they are the harder to achieve
  • Only about 1-2% of the population reach it
  • Famous ones include Albert Einstein and Abraham Lincoln
  • They are fulfilled in life completely, utilise abilities and view life as a series of peak experiences
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Evaluation- Strengths

Holistic Approach

  • Consider how the mind and body work together as a whole person
  • In contrast to the Behaviourist approach (stimulus-response) and the Psychodynamic approach (unconscious mind)


  • Rogers developed Person-Centred Therapy where 'clients' are put in charge of their own recovery
  • Focus on lisening, accepting and understanding clients
  • Reduce incongruence between ideal self and actual self to become a more fully functioning person
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Evaluation- Weaknesses


  • Lacking in empirical evidence
  • Reject the use of experimental methods
  • Vague, abstract and difficult to test
  • Critics say that is shouldnt be practiced if psychology is wanting to be considered a science

Culturally Bias

  • Personal growth, self-esteem and achievement are important in individualistic cultures
  • Family and community are important in collectivist cultures
  • Therefore cant be generalised to other cultures
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