programming languages



<html>- this opens the html

<head>- his creates the head of the text

<b> - this makes the test bold

<p>-this makes paragraphs

<center>- this puts the text in the center

<U>-this underlines it

<body> - this creates the body of the text

<br>-this creates a line break

<a href="">X This creates a hyperlink with it displaying X

<img src="logo.png" alt="image" width="131" height="131">-This displays a picture from the source

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input-this allows the use to input something

declare - integer,real bolean


if - loop

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Greenfoot.playSound("eating.wav")- sounds

move(4); -this makes him move

if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left"))- if left is pressed 

turn(3); - this turns him

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