How sustainable is producing chemicals? C7

The 8 questions asked about whether producing a chemmical is sustainable.

  • Created by: Meg_
  • Created on: 15-06-13 18:54

Will the raw materials run out?

If the feedstocks are renweable then you can use as much of them as you want.

If they are not renewable then it is bad for the enviroment and future generations. Use of non-renewable feedstocks should be controlled.

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How good is the atom economy?

The atom economy tells you how much mass of the reactants will turn into products.

If the atom economy is bad then it will produce lots of waste and will use feedstocks up quickly.

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What can I do with waste products?

Waste can be expensive to dispose of responsibly.

You could find a use for the waste or find a new way of making the product which will either reduce waste, or make useful waste. 

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What are the energy costs?

A reaction with high energy costs will be expensive and as the energy will most probably come from burning fossil fuels it is bad for the enviroment.

If the reaction is exothermic, gives out energy, then the energy could be used for something else which will reduce costs and help the enviroment. 

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What are the energy costs?

A reaction with high energy costs will be expensive and as the energy will most probably come from burning fossil fuels it is bad for the enviroment.

If the reaction is exothermic, gives out energy, then the energy could be used for something else which will reduce costs and help the enviroment. 

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Will it damage the environment?

If the reaction produces harmful chemicals then it will damge the envviroment.

Where the feedstocks are from needs to be considered e.g. if they are mined.

Whether the reactants and products need to be transported also needs to be considered.

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What are the health and safety risks?

Companies need to follow government regulations to ensure that workers and the public are not at risk.

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Are there any benefits to society?

Factories will bring jobs and money to an area but factories are unsightly.

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Is it profitable?

After all, companies are out to make a profit.

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