How countries at different levels of develoment have difference in their demographic data


Demographic Transition Model


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Stage 1

A period of high births and death rates are not continuous (fluctuating).

Explaining high birth rates:

  • Little/no birth control 
  • High infant mortality rates
  • Children are seen as workers

Factors to explain high death rate:

  • High infant mortality
  • High incedence of disease
  • Poor nutrition
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Stage 2

High birth rates, but falling death rates. Population increases rapidly.

1) Development of modern medicines

2) Introduction of vaccination

3)Cleaner drinking water

4)Better healthcare

5)More hygeinic housing

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Stage 3

Falling birth rates and death rates. Population growth slows.

Reasons for falling birth rates:

  • Widespread birth control
  • Preference for smaller families
  • Expense of children
  • Low infant mortality rate
  • Raising status of women
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Stage 4

Low birth and death rates. Overall population ages.

Reasons for falling birth rates:

  • Effective birth control
  • More working women delaying the age at which they start a family

Reasons for falling death rates:

  • improvement in healthcare and modern medicines
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Stage 5

Death rates fall slightly below birth rates. There is a decline in population.


  • Modern medicine is keeping elderly people alive
  • Fewer people are in the reproduction range
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Model answer for a describe question

Describe 2 indicators that show a countries level of development (4 Marks)

One indicator that shows a countries level of development is the birth rate which is how many children are born every year per 1000 people. This shows how developed a country is because if it is low then that means the country is developed as they have the money to invest into things such as birth control and also the country has more women who concerntrate on jobs which increaes primary employment and GDP per capita.

Another indicator could be the literacy rate which is the rate of adults who can read and write in every 100 people. This could represent a countries development as it shows how the country can invest in education which reduces the amount of people walking in agriculture. This also shows how a country is developed as this means they have a higher GDP which leads to development.

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