Hormones and Diabetes

  • Created by: Zoeee
  • Created on: 02-05-13 21:35


Hormones are chemicals produced by the endocrine glands and released in the blood

They regulate the body's activites and maintain homeostasis. 

The pancreas produces insulin and glucagon, which regulate blood glucose levels. 

Blood glucose is usually 90 mg per 100 cm3. It rises after a meal and falls during exercise. 

If the level is too high, the pancreas releases insulin to convert glucose into glycogen. This is stored in the liver and muscle tissue

If low, glucagon is released to convert glucagon into glucose, which is released in the blood.

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A condition where your body can't regulate its blood glucose levels

Type 1 occurs when the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin. Usually in younger people. 

- Is the result of an auto immune disease, when your body destroys the pancreatic cells or a is a genetic disorder

- Requires daily injections of insulin to reduce levels. 

Type 2 occurs when the pancreas produces insulin but the body becomes insenstive to it. Usually older people.

- Linked with obesity

- Controlled through a careful diet, exercise and losing weight

You calculate your weight by: BMI (body mass index) = mass (kg) / height (m)2

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