homeostatis (cd)

body tempreture


body tempreture

tempreture receptors in the skin to detect the external tempreture

tempreture receptors in the brain to measure the tempreture of the blood

the brain wich acts as a processing centre to recieve information from the tempreture receptors responding by triggering the effectors

effectors (sweat glands and  muscles) to carry out automatic response

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vasodilation and vasoconstriction

blood tempreture is monitored by a centre in your brain called the hypothalamus

in hot conditions blood vessels in the skin dilate allowing more blood to flow through the skin capillaries this means that more heat is lost from the surface of the skin by radiation this is called vasodiliation

in cold conditions blood vessels in the skin constrict reducing the amount of blood that flows through the skin capillaries this means that less heat is lost from the surface of the skin by radiation this is called vasoconstiction

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heat stroke

heat stroke is an uncontrolled increase in your body tempreture

increased sweating due to very hot tempretures can lead to dehydration.dehydration stops sweating from occouring which leads to the core body tempreture increasing even further

if your body isnt cooled down the normal systems for controlling body tempreture break down and this results in death

cause of heat stroke

:excersize in very warm conditions

:very high humidity


symptoms of hear stroke are


:red/dry skin

:low blood pressure



:rapid heartbeat

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