History: Russia- The Reaction under Alexander III

The Reaction under Alexander III - Did it help preserve or destroy Tsarism?

  • Created by: Emma
  • Created on: 25-04-10 11:51


  • Only allowing aristocracy into the Zemstva would ensure no public opposition to the Tsar.
  • Using the Okhrana meant more fear so people did as told.
  • Many people forced "underground" so bad links, poor organisation.
  • People pleased with the government's measures to prevent terrorism.
  • Russification was fairly popular in the short term - most Russians xenophobic, so Russia could feel superior to other countries.
  • During the 1880's Russia developed economically but lack of political reform held it back. Industrialisation led to desire for political rights.
  • Rising university prices made people resentful. They would have to discuss things underground, however and so could not organise anything against the Tsar due to poor links.
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  • Persecution of Jews & minorities led them to resent the Tsar & join his underground opponents.
  • Those who were no longer allowed in the Zemstva would have been more determined & underground groups would remain present.
  • Using Okhrana drove radicals underground.
  • Russification caused resentment & made countries want their independence.
  • Rising university prices caused a lot of resentment and drove discussion underground.
  • The excessive control over the Zemstva alienated the middle classes, potentially driving them to oppose the Tsar and they had the power to actually get things done.
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