history exam 1

revision  notes


Hippocrates 460BC

  • He said Disease has natural causes e.g. epilepsy
  • he used Theory of the 4 Humours to explain the cause of disease, when you are ill the body is out of balanced he would use the for humours; blood, black bile, yellow bile, phlegm.
  • he also found out that, certain humours were likely to be out of balance at certain times of the year e.g. in the summer it was likely to be yellow bile and so the patient made sick or go to the toilet to remove this humour.
  • he believed in rest, exercise, good diet and drinking water to help his patients.
  • he studied their symptoms and took scientific approach to medicine: even today doctors take the hippocratic oath to say they will be professional with their patients.
  • he influenced doctors with his books for over 2 thousand years afterwards and is called "the father of medicine."
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Claudius Galen 129AD- 201AD

  • doctor, surgeon and anatomist: his books influenced doctors for over a thousand years afterwards and the church liked his ideas that a creative force (god) created a man.
  • He used the theory of the 4 humors and developed it with The Theory of the opposites which said if a person was too hot with a fever then you call them down.
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Edward Jenner1749-1823

  • 1798 first vaccination against smallpox
  • used a disease which milkmaids got called Cowpox
  • infected a boy with cowpox then he infected him with deadly smallpox, the cowpox stopped the boy getting smallpox, this became the first ever vaccination.
  • the vaccination wasnt made compulsary untill 1852, because many people were against jenner because Jenner couldnt prove how it worked.
  • 1798 nobody knew that germs caused disease.
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Louis Pasteur 1822-1895

  • french chemist rival of robert koch
  • 1861- pasteur found out that germs caused decay the germ theory
  • he did this by showing that their are germs in the air, contaminationg everything, he gave deminstrations of this to prove his theory.
  • he showed you can kill germs by boiling them, pasteurisation
  • he also studied the work of Edward Jenner and developed the vaccinations against - chicken cholera - anthrax (cattle disease) - rabies
  • the first vaccinations was discoverd by his assistant Charles Chamberland by accident when he used an old batch of chickn cholera which had been exposed to air. the chockens instead of dying were only made unwell by the old chocken cholera. when they were give new deadly chicken cholera they did not get the disease. they had built up an immunity against it.
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